The Top 5 Plants for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, falling on May 12th this year, and we have the best blooms to help you celebrate! Show Mom your appreciation with our exquisite selection of flowering hanging baskets, lilacs, annuals, and more. Plus, our full selection of roses including David Austins is now available! What says Mother’s Day better than roses? Keep reading below to see some of our favorite plants that are sure to WOW that special woman in your life this year.


Lilacs bloom just in time for Mother’s Day, making them an obvious choice! With amazing fragrance and bright, full clusters of flowers, lilacs check all the boxes. Check out Pocahontas, a stunning early blooming variety (pictured above) with showy flowers that look great as cut flowers! Need one for a smaller space? We have a great selection of dwarf lilac including Baby Kim, a delightfully deer and disease-resistant variety, getting only about high 24-36″ at maturity!


Browse our full selection of roses, now available! Choose from Knock Outs, Garden Roses, David Austins, and more in various colors and sizes. Surprise Mom with her favorite roses planted and ready to go in the garden.


Grab gorgeous hanging baskets through Mother’s Day on sale two for just $80! Regularly $50 each. We also have some amazing annual combo pots ready for you that make perfect, hassle-free patio plants Mom will love.


Bougainvillea: Tough as nails, fast-growing, and puts on a spectacular show of color. These vines are flowering machines that look great climbing a wall, sprawling as a groundcover on hillsides, or pruned and grown in containers.

Mandevilla: Exotic trumpet-shaped flowers occur in colors of red, pink, white, or apricot. Plants bloom continuously from summer through fall! Very fast-growing and beautiful on trellises and spilling over in hanging baskets!


Just in… stunning succulent bowls! These beauties just arrived in a couple of different sizes and are an excellent low-maintenance houseplant option to bring life into any room.


The Growing Candle: Get a gift that keeps on giving! With The Growing Candle, you’ll be giving more than just a scented candle. After you burn through the wax, you can plant the label and grow wildflowers! Choose from different designs and scents to customize this unique gift for that special plant lover in your life.

Dandelion Lights: This fun and popular take on string lights is super cute and makes an excellent decor piece for spring! Available in both solar and plug-in.

Plantable Cards: Give Mom a thoughtful card and gift all in one! Peel off the handcrafted seed paper from the front of the card, soak it in water overnight, plant it, and watch it grow into beautiful wildflowers.