Poinsettias are a winter houseplant staple and come in a diverse array of beautiful colors and sizes, with many available here at Van Wilgen’s. With Christmas just around the corner, many of us are looking for gift ideas for family, friends, and coworkers. Poinsettias make the perfect gift for a business holiday party or as a festive decoration in the office and home! With our Poinsettia Wrapping Station, creating an amazingly festive gift is easy. Choose one of our diverse Poinsettia colors, and our team will help you choose a complementary wrap. For an extra twist, add one of our new holiday gift cards!

Keep your Poinsettia happy and healthy and ensure it lasts throughout the season with these easy tips!

Poinsettia Care Tips:

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Poinsettia varieties:

Classic Red

A deep, rich, red. An instant Christmas classic!

Classic White (Cream)

A creamy, pale white. Pairs well with classic red.


Classic poinsettia in a delicate rosy pink color!

Painted Blue

Blue spray paint on classic white, adds a unique flair.


Bright red bracts with yellow and green variegated foliage.

Jingle Bells

Huge dark red bracts splashed with cream!


Marbled varieties can be a mix of pink, white, and red.


A variety with bountiful and more compact bracts! Available in bright pink, pure white, and red.

Winter Rose

An older style that is growing in popularity again! Features red, wavy petals.

Which style is your favorite? We hope to see you soon!

Christmas is just around the corner! If you’re still on the prowl for plants to decorate with or give as gifts, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite festive houseplants just in time for this holiday season.

Stephanotis (Jasmine) – this is an outstanding plant any time of the season. It has beautiful white star-shaped fragrant flowers against dark green vining leaves, which makes a great decoration this time of year and an even better gift. (Bright light)

•Frosty fern – This tiny but cute little fern gets its name because the new growth has a frosted tip appearance. It has quickly become the favorite plant this year among our shoppers. It’s just too cute. (Indirect light)

•Lemon cypress – This is one of my favorites. Who doesn’t like the scent of citrus around the holidays? This plant has a yellow/green color that stands out and adds the perfect bright pop of color you need and has the traditional Christmas tree shape. You can even add some small ornaments to make it extra festive. (Bright indirect light)

•Norfolk Island pine – A houseplant Christmas tree you can keep out all year long. This tree is a tropical plant so it can’t tolerate the colder temps we have here in CT. Have fun decorating your Norfolk pine, then enjoy it the rest of the year. (Bright light)

•Orchids – The ever-popular orchid! This exotic, colorful flowering houseplant favorite requires minimal care. Don’t be afraid it really is as easy as 1,2 3. (bright light)