

Van Wilgen’s has always been known for great products and a great selection. Check out these products for the opportunity to get the same Van Wilgen’s quality at a savings.

Birdhouse Trade-In

From February 1st through March 2nd, bring your most well-used houses and feeders to our North Branford location for 20% off a new one and 10% off bird seed. Don’t forget to fill out an info card for a chance to win a $100 gift card!

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We know life gets busy, so we’re giving you extra time! Bring your poinsettias to our North Branford location through March 2nd to claim 20% off! We will recycle the pot, compost the plant, and give you a same-day voucher to save big on houseplants.

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50% Bird Bath De-Icers

Ensure birds have a water source during the cold months by taking steps to prevent it from freezing. Grab a heated bird bath or de-icer now for 50% off!

50% Off Select Pottery

Get beautiful pieces of pottery at 50% off! Perfect to add some additional character to your favorite houseplant.