Lawn & Plant Care

Get your plants started right. JumpStart your plants with this starter fertilizer that has a higher middle number which is phosphorus. Phosphorus promotes root growth and helps get plants established FAST! Complete with IBA Root Stimulant that enhances rooting and reduces transplant shock. JumpStart is not just for when planting or transplanting, use it for any plants in the landscape, and it will benefit them too. Roots take up water and nutrients, you can never have enough!

ALL PURPOSE SLOW Release Fertilizer
Take home the stuff we use to grow our plants and make everyone jealous. This specialty-formulated fertilizer slowly releases a little bit of fertilizer into your soil to feed your plants. This product will not burn your plants or over-fertilize them. Put a couple of capfuls (see chart on the label for usage recommendations based on the size of the pot/plant) around the base of your plants and let the prills do the work. Use this on ANYTHING! Annuals, Veggies, Herbs, Tropicals, Houseplants, Trees, Shrubs, Roses, and Perennials for long-lasting feed. Re-apply every 3 months for pots and once in early spring and again 4th of July for plants in the ground.

The BEST KEPT SECRET that shouldn’t be a secret! Our bloom booster has a high phosphorus number which promotes root growth AND BLOOMS! If you want to get the most out of your annuals, feed with this every 2 weeks. Especially Petunias, you can almost never overfeed petunias. Combine the Controlled Release with bloom booster every 2 weeks and your annuals will be rockin’ all summer long!

All Purpose Water Soluble Plant Food with Micronutrients
All plant food is not created equal. Again, this is the same fertilizer our plants grow up on so we know they love it. Mix this in a watering can or a hose-end sprayer to keep your heavy-feeding plants feed properly. In our greenhouse, we need to make sure our fertilizer dissolves 100% and this is no different, unlike the leading brand you will not have any problems with this fertilizer dissolving in water which will give your plants the most consistent and safe food possible. Use every 7 days on heavy-feeding annuals and veggies or use in conjunction with Van Wilgen’s Controlled Release every 14 days.

Our Plant food for Acid-loving Plants is just that… a fertilizer for acid-loving plants like gardenia, blueberries, azaleas, hydrangeas, and more! This water-soluble plant food provides an immediate supply of nutrients that enhances the performance and blooming of acid-loving plants.

We have had EXCELLENT feedback about our Fish and Seaweed Fertilizer. When organic is the way, VW is here to stay. Grow your edibles organically so you know your food is safe to eat, even on the day of harvest. Not just for edibles, use it on your lawn, ornamental plants, indoor plants, and flowering plants to add some hard-to-get micronutrients found in the sea.
Want to make your neighbors green with envy when they spot your beautiful, lush lawn? Our Van Wilgen’s Premium Grass Seed comes in eight unique blends meant to cover any type of lawn condition. VW Grass Seed is sourced and made sure it is from the top 1% of all grass seed. With a very low percentage of inert material and an amazing germination rate, you get more grass per pound… more bang for your buck!
Lawn & Plant Care

special Mix
Full sun to part shade. This is a great all-around mix that has a little bit of everything so it blends extremely well with existing grass. Get the best of all the different types of grass. It’s like diversifying your stock right?

Full, full sun. Golfer’s delight! The sod we carry is 100% KBG. KBG does require a lot of sun and more water than any other type of grass. Take a long time to germinate, sometimes over 14 days! Be patient.

Sun to part sun. Rye grass is always the quickest to germinate so it is great to get a lawn up and going the fastest… especially if winter is knocking at the door. Our blend is all Perennial Rye, not to be confused with Annual Rye, which is MUCH less expensive and will germinate quickly but does not give you a long-term solution for a lawn.

Deep Shade. Perfect where nothing else grows. Have that tough spot in the shade that won’t grow grass? Try our under-the-tree mix… specially blended with only the toughest shade-tolerant grass there is.

Full sun to part shade. Best suited for the summer heat! Once established this blend will require the least amount of water and the least amount of fertilizer to function and look good.

Sun to part shade. Can handle wear and tear, Fescue’s are tough as nails. This blend will bounce back after heavy traffic with no problem! Known again to be tough and very cold-tolerant as well.

Can handle light shade. Can tolerate as little as 3-5 hours of sun.

Sun and shade. Tolerates salt and drought. We get a lot of questions about what lives along the ocean and SURVIVES, so we blended this mix to be specially formulated to handle salt spray and drying out from the wind. Once established, this will take the abuse of the shoreline.

Sun to part shade. You’ll only need to mow the lawn a few times per year with this new mix! Excellent eco-lawn option and extremely low maintenance.
Lawn & Plant Care
1 lb = 100 square feet
3 lb = 300 square feet
10 lb = 1,000 square feet
25 lb = 2,500 square feet
50 lb = 5,000 square feet
1 lb = 200 square feet
3 lb = 600 square feet
10 lb = 2,000 square feet
25 lb = 5,000 square feet
50 lb = 10,000 square feet

When using our seed, ensure its success with Greenview’s SEEDing SUCCESS, which is a pellet that helps retain posture, prevent weeds, protects against birds, and ensures healthy growth. You can also use Mainely Mulch to accomplish the same thing for larger areas.
It is also a good idea to use Greenview’s starter fertilizer to help establish your newly seeded area faster. Starter Fertilizers have a high middle number which is phosphorus to help with root growth.
PRO TIP: DO NOT try and seed a new area if you have already applied a CrabGrass Pre-emergent, it will prevent your grass seed from germinating as well. If you need to apply a Crabgrass preventer and seed within 8 weeks of its application, there are starter fertilizer with Crabgrass preventers you can use that allows you to seed at the same time.