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Younique Yellow Daylily
Younique Yellow Daylily
- Average Water
- Border or Bed
- Drought Tolerant
- Full Sun
- Green
- Moist
- Partial Shade
- Partial Sun
- Plants That Work
- Summer Bloomer
- Upright
- Well-Drained
- Yellow
You will be transfixed by the long season of color this easy to grow Daylily brings to the landscape with sunny, bright yellow flowers that bloom in late June and continue to rebloom throughout the rest of the season. Spectacular bloom will light up the summer garden. Very easy to grow and tolerant of poor soils and some shade. Very showy when massed into landscape waves
- Category:
- Breeder:
Plants That Work
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 18-22 Inches
- Spread: 18-22 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Yellow Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Average Water
- Border or Bed
- Drought Tolerant
- Full Sun
- Green
- Moist
- Partial Shade
- Partial Sun
- Plants That Work
- Summer Bloomer
- Upright
- Well-Drained
- Yellow
You will be transfixed by the long season of color this easy to grow Daylily brings to the landscape with sunny, bright yellow flowers that bloom in late June and continue to rebloom throughout the rest of the season. Spectacular bloom will light up the summer garden. Very easy to grow and tolerant of poor soils and some shade. Very showy when massed into landscape waves
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder: Plants That Work
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 18-22 Inches
- Spread: 18-22 Inches
- Bloom Color: Yellow Shades