Sensitive Fern

Sensitive Fern


  • Full Shade
  • Green
  • Partial Shade
  • Upright

Commonly called Sensitive Fern because its green vegetative fronds are the first to show damage from frost, this woodland delight offers strongly upright vegetative fronds that are 2-4′ long and finely divided to go along with a pleasing leathery look that, in combination with their light green color, will light up a shaded area. This fern also offers contrasting fertile fronds that appear more woody in nature with unique bead-like segments that add contrasting brown color in the late summer and hold that color and structure through the winter well after the vegetative fronds have disappeared for the season. Sensitive Fern is an easy growing winner for a moist, shady area and it naturalizes well in a landscape spot that is hard fill with other selections while offering subtle color and great texture that you’ll love.

  • Category: Fern Perennial
  • Breeder:
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-8
  • Height: 3-4 ft
  • Spread: 3-4 ft
  • Bloom Color: Non-Flowering