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Scarlet Curls Willow
Scarlet Curls Willow
Like all Willows, ‘Scarlet Curls’ is aggressive growing but that is far from the only reason this plant will make a landscape impression. One look at its branching will have you intrigued with corkscrew-like branching that has a red tinge that deepens markedly in the fall and winter months and is very colorful and attractive. The foliage actually twists, too giving a ruffled look on those long, slender, curled branches that is far different from your normal Weeping Willow. Better yet, ‘Scarlet Curls’ is a no-brainer to grow. Plant it in a sunny area, away from pipes and septic systems, and it will grow with very little outside assistance from you other than watering it to get it established.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 25-30 Feet
- Spread: 25-30 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Featured Characteristics
Like all Willows, ‘Scarlet Curls’ is aggressive growing but that is far from the only reason this plant will make a landscape impression. One look at its branching will have you intrigued with corkscrew-like branching that has a red tinge that deepens markedly in the fall and winter months and is very colorful and attractive. The foliage actually twists, too giving a ruffled look on those long, slender, curled branches that is far different from your normal Weeping Willow. Better yet, ‘Scarlet Curls’ is a no-brainer to grow. Plant it in a sunny area, away from pipes and septic systems, and it will grow with very little outside assistance from you other than watering it to get it established.
- Category: Tree
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 25-30 Feet
- Spread: 25-30 Feet
- Bloom Color: