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Rocknoll Rosette Hens and Chicks
Rocknoll Rosette Hens and Chicks
- Average Water
- Border or Bed
- Cold Tolerant
- Container
- Drought Tolerant
- Dry Soil
- Edging
- Full Sun
- Great Foliage
- Green
- Ground Cover
- Heat Tolerant
- Low Maintenance
- Mass Planting
- Orange
- Partial Sun
- Red
- Rock Garden
- Summer Bloomer
- Trailing
Deep orange to wine red leaves are flushed apple green at the base. This succulent offsets freely, is an ideal small scale groundcover for sunny, dry locations. Works well in containers too. Ideal for use in hanging baskets, containers and rock gardens. Adds an exotic texture.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 3-4 Inches
- Spread: 6-8 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Red Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Average Water
- Border or Bed
- Cold Tolerant
- Container
- Drought Tolerant
- Dry Soil
- Edging
- Full Sun
- Great Foliage
- Green
- Ground Cover
- Heat Tolerant
- Low Maintenance
- Mass Planting
- Orange
- Partial Sun
- Red
- Rock Garden
- Summer Bloomer
- Trailing
Deep orange to wine red leaves are flushed apple green at the base. This succulent offsets freely, is an ideal small scale groundcover for sunny, dry locations. Works well in containers too. Ideal for use in hanging baskets, containers and rock gardens. Adds an exotic texture.
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 3-4 Inches
- Spread: 6-8 Inches
- Bloom Color: Red Shades