Raspberry Surprise Pinks
Raspberry Surprise Pinks
This beloved spring blooming classic has been pushed to the next level by this outstanding selection that features more blooming power and larger bloom than almost any other Garden Pink. Needle-like, gray-green foliage forms a tight rounded mound that is attractive in itself throughout the growing season but who’s looking at the foliage when this baby starts to bloom in late May, continuing to July, covering itself with 2″ diameter, semi-double deep pink flowers with deep raspberry red centers. The incredible allure of this bloom is enhanced further by the sheer volume of the flowers with single flower stems bursting with upwards of 5 or more blooms each! And Flower scent…there may be none better in the Dianthus world!! What a great garden addition for sunny well-drained soils! Plant it in groups to enhance its power even more!
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 10-12 Inches
- Spread: 10-12 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Pink Shades
Featured Characteristics

This beloved spring blooming classic has been pushed to the next level by this outstanding selection that features more blooming power and larger bloom than almost any other Garden Pink. Needle-like, gray-green foliage forms a tight rounded mound that is attractive in itself throughout the growing season but who’s looking at the foliage when this baby starts to bloom in late May, continuing to July, covering itself with 2″ diameter, semi-double deep pink flowers with deep raspberry red centers. The incredible allure of this bloom is enhanced further by the sheer volume of the flowers with single flower stems bursting with upwards of 5 or more blooms each! And Flower scent…there may be none better in the Dianthus world!! What a great garden addition for sunny well-drained soils! Plant it in groups to enhance its power even more!
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 10-12 Inches
- Spread: 10-12 Inches
- Bloom Color: Pink Shades