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Pussy Willow
Pussy Willow
- American Beauties Native Plants®
- Attracts Butterflies
- Attracts Songbirds
- Native
- Spring
- Supports Bees
While this plant can be big and aggressive growing, there is no more appreciated landscape plant by humans, birds, and butterflies. Everybody knows this American Beauties classic provides a raft of flower catkins that every spring craving gardener loves to cut and admire but these same catkins provide early season nectar for native bees while some of our area’s most prized birds love to feed on its buds. Pussy Willow will tolerate most any soil, even very moist or wet ones, and grows large enough to provide a huge amount of cover for birds and small mammals while its leaves are the food source for many of the most colorful butterflies our area has to offer.
- Category:
- Breeder:
American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 20-25 Feet
- Spread: 18-20 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Green Shades
Featured Characteristics
- American Beauties Native Plants®
- Attracts Butterflies
- Attracts Songbirds
- Native
- Spring
- Supports Bees
While this plant can be big and aggressive growing, there is no more appreciated landscape plant by humans, birds, and butterflies. Everybody knows this American Beauties classic provides a raft of flower catkins that every spring craving gardener loves to cut and admire but these same catkins provide early season nectar for native bees while some of our area’s most prized birds love to feed on its buds. Pussy Willow will tolerate most any soil, even very moist or wet ones, and grows large enough to provide a huge amount of cover for birds and small mammals while its leaves are the food source for many of the most colorful butterflies our area has to offer.
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder: American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 20-25 Feet
- Spread: 18-20 Feet
- Bloom Color: Green Shades