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Primal Scream Daylily
Primal Scream Daylily
- Average Water
- Dry Soil
- Focal Point
- Full Sun
- Late Summer
- Moist
- Orange
- Partial Sun
- Proven Winners
- Salt Tolerant
- Summer Bloomer
- Well-Drained
Nothing comes close to the spectacular 7.5-8.5″, glimmering tangerine orange, gold dusted blossoms and green throat of this selection. Officially classified as “unusual form”, the tepals are narrow, twisted, and re-curved with loosely ruffled edges. These gigantic blossoms open in late July and August on tall scapes above the attractive arching foliage. With such a mammoth bloom and unique look, this selection will shine in your garden whether planted alone or in groups in the middle of any perennial garden.
- Category:
- Breeder:
Proven Winners
- Hardiness Zone: 3-9
- Height: 30-34 Inches
- Spread: 18-24 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Orange Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Average Water
- Dry Soil
- Focal Point
- Full Sun
- Late Summer
- Moist
- Orange
- Partial Sun
- Proven Winners
- Salt Tolerant
- Summer Bloomer
- Well-Drained
Nothing comes close to the spectacular 7.5-8.5″, glimmering tangerine orange, gold dusted blossoms and green throat of this selection. Officially classified as “unusual form”, the tepals are narrow, twisted, and re-curved with loosely ruffled edges. These gigantic blossoms open in late July and August on tall scapes above the attractive arching foliage. With such a mammoth bloom and unique look, this selection will shine in your garden whether planted alone or in groups in the middle of any perennial garden.
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder: Proven Winners
- Hardiness Zone: 3-9
- Height: 30-34 Inches
- Spread: 18-24 Inches
- Bloom Color: Orange Shades