Penny™ Denim Jump Up boasts huge, deep velvety blue and white flowers with a deep blue/black blotch and a yellow eye that flowers continuously from beginning to end of season. Compact, mounded, easy to care for habit that is all color and no fuss! The Penny™ series of hybrid Violas tolerates more heat without becoming leggy. Incredibly robust for better over-wintering performance. Edible flowers!

Dense and compact , this harbinger of spring will load up with deep purplish-red, half dollar sized flowers in March and continue to bloom until summer. Early blooming and profuse. Nice bloom fragrance. Perfect for massing in the front of a garden or for use in mixed containers in the spring. Easy to grow and frost tolerant.

Dense and compact , this harbinger of spring will load up with bright red, half dollar sized flowers in March and continue to bloom until summer. Early blooming and profuse. Nice bloom fragrance. Perfect for massing in the front of a garden or for use in mixed containers in the spring. Easy to grow and frost tolerant.

Dense and compact, this harbinger of spring will load up with bright orange, half dollar sized flowers in March and continue to bloom until summer. Early blooming and profuse. Nice bloom fragrance. Perfect for massing in the front of a garden or for use in mixed containers in the spring. Easy to grow and frost tolerant.

Dense and compact , this harbinger of spring will load up with sunny lemon yellow, half dollar sized flowers in March and continue to bloom until summer. Early blooming and profuse. Nice bloom fragrance. Perfect for massing in the front of a garden or for use in mixed containers in the spring. Easy to grow and frost tolerant.

Blooming with abandon, ‘Columbine’ will try and succeed in being the star of any garden throughout the year since its bloom continues unabated from early spring right on into September. Better yet, its bloom is captivating with copious white flowers streaked with purple that seem to completely cover the foliage for months. ‘Columbine’ is so easy to grow and so rewarding in full sun or partial shade and works so well planted in groups that you’re likely to want to pick up a few extras to beef up the show in your landscape!

Let early spring give you the blues with this dense, trailing, compact blooming machine that produces a big blue wave of flowers that never seems to end. ‘Blue Moon’ is one of the heaviest blooming Violas available and this one will have you begging for more with an obscene amount of small, pale blue flowers with bright yellow eyes that makes for a stirring contrast of color . The bloom is continuous throughout the spring and summer starting in mid-April and stays especially strong in partial to full shade areas. Even better, with its somewhat prostrate, spreading form, ‘Blue Moon’ is a perfect candidate for use in baskets or containers where it crawl among the other plants and keep producing its fabulous bloom. ‘Blue Moon’ will adapt to most soil types and most exposures giving you an easy to grow, very rewarding plant that will keep you living the blues throughout the season!

This selection will have you rubbing your eyes in disbelief once you see its 1″ diameter, matte black flowers with a tiny yellow eye. They are the deepest, darkest Violas on the market and, even better, they have a great scent that will fill the early spring garden for weeks. Plant ‘Black Magic’ in full to partial shade and when flower production starts to slow, trim off spent blooms to encourage more. ‘Black Magic’ makes a great groundcover for shaded gardens, especially under deciduous trees where they will get dappled full sun during the early and mid spring and shade during the hotter summer. ‘Black Magic’ is a great addition to containers or can be massed in beds or used as an edging plant. They can even be used on a salad since the flowers are edible!!