Oso Easy® Honey Bun Rose
Oso Easy® Honey Bun Rose

- Full Sun
How can you beat a full season of color on a plant that is so neat, so compact and so easy to maintain? By the way, did I mention the plant we are talking about is a rose?? You heard me right, and even better, a Proven Winners/Color Choice rose from the family of plants that offers season long color to landscape. Oso Easy Honey Bun more than fills the bill with a dense, spreading form that is tightly packed with lustrous, deep green foliage and, by mid May is covered with flower buds. Buds soon open to show off masses of double 2-2.5″ diameter butter yellow flowers that fade to cream as they age. Buds and bloom continue unabated through the summer making this little show off invaluable in the landscape or even in deck or patio containers. Oro Easy Honey Bun is tough and disease resistant… treat it like one of the best, easy care flowering shrubs you’ll ever grow!
- Category: Rose Shrub
- Breeder: Proven Winners
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 2-3 Feet
- Spread: 2-3 Feet
- Bloom Color: