Milky Way Dogwood

Milky Way Dogwood


  • Fall Color
  • Focal Point
  • Full Sun
  • Great Foliage
  • Green
  • Partial Shade
  • Specimen
  • Summer Bloomer
  • Upright
  • White

This selection may look the same as the species, but wait until it’s bloom time. When ‘Milky Way’s’ flowers begin to open in mid-June, this selection looks like a dogwood on steroids with an array of white bloom that lights up like the stars on a crystal clear night. Laden with a massive show of bright red fruit, ‘Milky Way’ becomes a beacon in the fall landscape along with the help of a scintillating purple-red fall foliage display.

  • Category: Tree
  • Breeder:
  • Hardiness Zone: 5-8
  • Height: 20-25 Feet
  • Spread: 20-25 Feet
  • Bloom Color: White Shades