Little Twist® Flowering Cherry
Little Twist® Flowering Cherry
Here’s a dependable growing, dependable blooming, easy care patio tree with a twist, or a Little Twist® to be more accurate! Little Twist® gets its fame and name from the distinct zig zag displayed by each of this plant’s closely packed stems. It’s a look that, even when its deep green, serrated foliage has flushed, gives this plant a style and texture that distinguishes it easily from all other Flowering Cherries. While Little Twist® will stand out because of this unique trait, it does have other characteristics that will make you embrace it. It is a copius bloomer starting in late April or early May with masses of small, double white blooms with pink centers. The blooming show is superb as is this plant’s colorful fall foliage display of red as the weather cools. Little Twist®, with its small stature, easy care nature and wondereful texture is a perfect small tree to use as a specimen near a deck or patio or even in a large container where you can underplant it with seasonal color.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 10-12 Feet
- Spread: 10-12 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Featured Characteristics

Here’s a dependable growing, dependable blooming, easy care patio tree with a twist, or a Little Twist® to be more accurate! Little Twist® gets its fame and name from the distinct zig zag displayed by each of this plant’s closely packed stems. It’s a look that, even when its deep green, serrated foliage has flushed, gives this plant a style and texture that distinguishes it easily from all other Flowering Cherries. While Little Twist® will stand out because of this unique trait, it does have other characteristics that will make you embrace it. It is a copius bloomer starting in late April or early May with masses of small, double white blooms with pink centers. The blooming show is superb as is this plant’s colorful fall foliage display of red as the weather cools. Little Twist®, with its small stature, easy care nature and wondereful texture is a perfect small tree to use as a specimen near a deck or patio or even in a large container where you can underplant it with seasonal color.
- Category: Tree
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 10-12 Feet
- Spread: 10-12 Feet
- Bloom Color: