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Josee Lilac
Josee Lilac
The result of a 3 way cross between S. patula, S. microphylla, and S. meyeri, this selection is a Lilac lovers dream: a dwarf, dense growing plant that blooms with great fragrance and repeat blooms throughout the summer! Small, deep green leaves pack tightly on stems that are topped by lavender purple buds that bloom lavender pink in mid to late May and then keep on producing groups of flowers right on through until frost. ‘Josee’ is a great plant for small landscape spots and is perfect for grouping to produce an oasis of fragrant bloom from spring through fall.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 2-8
- Height: 4-6 Feet
- Spread: 4-6 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Featured Characteristics

The result of a 3 way cross between S. patula, S. microphylla, and S. meyeri, this selection is a Lilac lovers dream: a dwarf, dense growing plant that blooms with great fragrance and repeat blooms throughout the summer! Small, deep green leaves pack tightly on stems that are topped by lavender purple buds that bloom lavender pink in mid to late May and then keep on producing groups of flowers right on through until frost. ‘Josee’ is a great plant for small landscape spots and is perfect for grouping to produce an oasis of fragrant bloom from spring through fall.
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 2-8
- Height: 4-6 Feet
- Spread: 4-6 Feet
- Bloom Color: