Jiro Persimmon
Jiro Persimmon
- Edible
- Fall Color
Here is a plant that there is no doubt you would be the first one in your neighborhood to grow. Persimmon is not a tree normally found in the northeast nor is its fruit, wildly popular in many other countries in the world, anything more than a curiosity here. Having said that, this hardiest variety of Persimmon will make a spectacular ornamental in your yard with the reward of providing you with great quantities of great tasting, multi-use fruit perfect for eating fresh or cooking with. ‘Jiro’ is a rounded, vigorous tree with large, course textured foliage that blooms inconspicuously in spring. Its self-fruitful nature means that it will bear fruit without having a pollinating neighbor and its fruit, looking like a large tomato, will load up in massive numbers on its strong branches. ‘Jiro’ is a non-astringent type of Persimmon meaning that you can enjoy eating it fresh right off the tree without your lips puckering when they mature in October! You’ll enjoy its custard like flesh consistency and its mellow, cantalope-like flavor. You’ll also enjoy how nice it will look when its large leaves color up beautifully in fall.
- Category:
Fruit Tree
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 6-8
- Height: 20-25 Feet
- Spread: 20-25 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Featured Characteristics

- Edible
- Fall Color
Here is a plant that there is no doubt you would be the first one in your neighborhood to grow. Persimmon is not a tree normally found in the northeast nor is its fruit, wildly popular in many other countries in the world, anything more than a curiosity here. Having said that, this hardiest variety of Persimmon will make a spectacular ornamental in your yard with the reward of providing you with great quantities of great tasting, multi-use fruit perfect for eating fresh or cooking with. ‘Jiro’ is a rounded, vigorous tree with large, course textured foliage that blooms inconspicuously in spring. Its self-fruitful nature means that it will bear fruit without having a pollinating neighbor and its fruit, looking like a large tomato, will load up in massive numbers on its strong branches. ‘Jiro’ is a non-astringent type of Persimmon meaning that you can enjoy eating it fresh right off the tree without your lips puckering when they mature in October! You’ll enjoy its custard like flesh consistency and its mellow, cantalope-like flavor. You’ll also enjoy how nice it will look when its large leaves color up beautifully in fall.
- Category: Edibles Fruit Tree
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 6-8
- Height: 20-25 Feet
- Spread: 20-25 Feet
- Bloom Color: