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Japanese Spurge
Japanese Spurge
This is the perfect for growing in dense shade or under a tree for a dependable groundcover. Topped with small, creamy white flowers in early spring, Japanese Spurge forms an attractive dense carpet of glossy foliage. A native of Japan, it is useful as a groundcover in a shrub border or in mass in the woodland garden. Works well in high erosion areas to bind the soil and land to reduce further loss.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-10
- Height: 6-10 Inches
- Spread: 10-12 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Featured Characteristics

This is the perfect for growing in dense shade or under a tree for a dependable groundcover. Topped with small, creamy white flowers in early spring, Japanese Spurge forms an attractive dense carpet of glossy foliage. A native of Japan, it is useful as a groundcover in a shrub border or in mass in the woodland garden. Works well in high erosion areas to bind the soil and land to reduce further loss.
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-10
- Height: 6-10 Inches
- Spread: 10-12 Inches
- Bloom Color: