Hyperion® Dogwood

Hyperion® Dogwood


  • Green

Straight from the prolific breeders at Rutgers University, this Cornus florida/Cornus kousa cross will electrify you with easy-care, year-round beauty. This aggressive, upright when young, spreading when the older the small tree is one of the most prolific bloomers you’ll ever see in a Dogwood of any type as it becomes an impenetrable cloud of snowy white, rounded bloom in mid-May. This immense show would be enough to make Hyperion® one of your favorite trees but it keeps right on supplying you with great characteristics throughout the year from glossy, deep green summer foliage to red, strawberry-like fruit in late summer and fall that birds love to awesome fall foliage coloration in mixed red, orange and purple shades to subtle yet beautiful mottled bark in the winter. This small tree is a winner and one of the best, easy-care trees you can grow in any full to half-day sunny spot in your yard!

  • Category: Tree
  • Breeder:
  • Hardiness Zone: 6-8
  • Height: 15-20 Feet
  • Spread: 15-20 Feet
  • Bloom Color: White Shades