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Henrys Garnet Virginia Sweetspire
Henrys Garnet Virginia Sweetspire
- American Beauties Native Plants®
- Attracts Butterflies
- Dark Green
- Early Summer
- Native
- Partial Shade
- Red
- White
It’s amazing how little used this selection is when you consider all it has going for it. Start with dark green, lustrous foliage on a tight, slightly spreading form that is perfect for grouping or for using alone. Add in its show of 2-6″ long racemes of white flowers that open in early June with a little fragrance to add a kick to the late spring garden and help attract a number of colorful butterflies. Finally, its amazing fall foliage color of brilliant reddish-purple will really make you stand up and take notice. An added bonus is this American Beauty tolerates many soils, from moist to dry, and partial shade while still performing at its peak. In sum, ‘Henry’s Garnet’ is an outstanding plant!
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-4 Feet
- Spread: 5-6 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Green Shades
Red Shades
White Shades
Featured Characteristics
- American Beauties Native Plants®
- Attracts Butterflies
- Dark Green
- Early Summer
- Native
- Partial Shade
- Red
- White
It’s amazing how little used this selection is when you consider all it has going for it. Start with dark green, lustrous foliage on a tight, slightly spreading form that is perfect for grouping or for using alone. Add in its show of 2-6″ long racemes of white flowers that open in early June with a little fragrance to add a kick to the late spring garden and help attract a number of colorful butterflies. Finally, its amazing fall foliage color of brilliant reddish-purple will really make you stand up and take notice. An added bonus is this American Beauty tolerates many soils, from moist to dry, and partial shade while still performing at its peak. In sum, ‘Henry’s Garnet’ is an outstanding plant!
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-4 Feet
- Spread: 5-6 Feet
- Bloom Color: Green Shades Red Shades White Shades