Glowing Embers Hydrangea
Glowing Embers Hydrangea
- Fall
- Full Sun
- Green
- Late Summer
- Partial Shade
- Red
- Summer Bloomer
One of the most beautiful and most overlooked Hydrangeas, ‘Glowing Embers’ provides a fat, full plant loaded with big, deep green, almost lustrous foliage that tops itself with 4 to 5″ diameter mophead flowers starting in mid July and continuing into early September. These long lasting blooms are deep crimson red and are showy and quite different from many of the other Hydrangea blooms normally seen. Its flower, like most Hydrangeas, is long lasting and can be easily dried for inside use as it fades to a reddish blue hue as it matures. Plant ‘Glowing Embers’ in sun or partial shade as a specimen or as a spectacular border grouping that will have you riveted in the summer months.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-4 Feet
- Spread: 3-4 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Pink Shades
Featured Characteristics
- Fall
- Full Sun
- Green
- Late Summer
- Partial Shade
- Red
- Summer Bloomer
One of the most beautiful and most overlooked Hydrangeas, ‘Glowing Embers’ provides a fat, full plant loaded with big, deep green, almost lustrous foliage that tops itself with 4 to 5″ diameter mophead flowers starting in mid July and continuing into early September. These long lasting blooms are deep crimson red and are showy and quite different from many of the other Hydrangea blooms normally seen. Its flower, like most Hydrangeas, is long lasting and can be easily dried for inside use as it fades to a reddish blue hue as it matures. Plant ‘Glowing Embers’ in sun or partial shade as a specimen or as a spectacular border grouping that will have you riveted in the summer months.
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-4 Feet
- Spread: 3-4 Feet
- Bloom Color: Pink Shades