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Forever Pink Phlox
Forever Pink Phlox
- Compact
- Container
- Early Summer
- Full Sun
- Green
- Late Summer
- Pink
- Summer Bloomer
Early starting, brilliant summer color on a dense, compact plant is this selection’s calling card. You won’t be able to keep your eyes off ‘Forever Pink’ when its covers itself with buds in late spring that open in June with flowers of intense pink in such numbers that not a speck of foliage color shows through! Even better, this selection continues to bloom on and off all summer into September since its sterile bloom wastes no time on producing seed. With its compact form, ‘Forever Pink’ is perfect for massing in the middle of a garden for a wave of color or for lighting up any mixed perennial container on a deck
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 12-16 Inches
- Spread: 16-18 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Pink Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Compact
- Container
- Early Summer
- Full Sun
- Green
- Late Summer
- Pink
- Summer Bloomer
Early starting, brilliant summer color on a dense, compact plant is this selection’s calling card. You won’t be able to keep your eyes off ‘Forever Pink’ when its covers itself with buds in late spring that open in June with flowers of intense pink in such numbers that not a speck of foliage color shows through! Even better, this selection continues to bloom on and off all summer into September since its sterile bloom wastes no time on producing seed. With its compact form, ‘Forever Pink’ is perfect for massing in the middle of a garden for a wave of color or for lighting up any mixed perennial container on a deck
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 12-16 Inches
- Spread: 16-18 Inches
- Bloom Color: Pink Shades