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Forest Pansy Redbud
Forest Pansy Redbud
- Burgundy
- Full Sun
- Low Maintenance
- Partial Shade
- Pink
- Purple
- Spring
- Upright
It’s difficult to imagine topping the native magnificence of Cercis canadensis, but in ‘Forest Pansy’, the species is indeed overshadowed by its purple-leaved cultivar. Like the species, ‘Forest Pansy’ is covered with clusters of rose-purple buds, opening in May to trumpet the true arrival of spring with an unrivalled display of deep rose-colored flowers that will appear weeks before the foliage. The flowers are slightly darker than the species and will blanket the branches for 2-3 weeks, finally giving way to big burgundy heart shaped leaves that will become a more muted purple in the heat of summer… what a show! Easily grown in any well-drained soil in full sun or part shade.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 20-25 Feet
- Spread: 25-30 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Pink Shades
Featured Characteristics
- Burgundy
- Full Sun
- Low Maintenance
- Partial Shade
- Pink
- Purple
- Spring
- Upright
It’s difficult to imagine topping the native magnificence of Cercis canadensis, but in ‘Forest Pansy’, the species is indeed overshadowed by its purple-leaved cultivar. Like the species, ‘Forest Pansy’ is covered with clusters of rose-purple buds, opening in May to trumpet the true arrival of spring with an unrivalled display of deep rose-colored flowers that will appear weeks before the foliage. The flowers are slightly darker than the species and will blanket the branches for 2-3 weeks, finally giving way to big burgundy heart shaped leaves that will become a more muted purple in the heat of summer… what a show! Easily grown in any well-drained soil in full sun or part shade.
- Category: Tree
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 20-25 Feet
- Spread: 25-30 Feet
- Bloom Color: Pink Shades