Fairy Thimble Bell Flower
Fairy Thimble Bell Flower

- Blue
- Container
- Edible
- Full Sun
- Green
- Ground Cover
- Jeepers Creepers
- Moist
- Partial Shade
- Rock Garden
- Summer Bloomer
- Well-Drained
One of the most charming of the popular perennial Bellflowers, Fairy Thimble forms a low mat of tiny spoon shaped green leaves bearing loads of tiny little dangling lavender-blue bells in early summer. This selection thrives in moist, very well drained soil and will travel into any unused ground by means of stolons. While an opportunist that looks to fill any small hole in the landscape, it’s too small to displace or overrun any larger plants making it a truly splendid “filler” between larger perennial clumps. If it does spread into areas where it isn’t wanted, it is easily removed. Perfect for growing among rocks, in alpine troughs, container gardens on walls and between paving stones, Fairy Thimble will thrive in full sun or partial shade. And, if you are looking for a groundcover to munch on, its leaves and flowers are edible with a mild pleasant flavor, whether sprinkled over salads to be eaten raw or cooked with other greens.
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder: Jeepers Creepers
- Hardiness Zone: 2-8
- Height: 2-4 Inches
- Spread: 4-6 Inches
- Bloom Color: Blue Shades