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EverLast™ Lavender Lace Pinks
EverLast™ Lavender Lace Pinks
Plants are midsized, with upright stems of fragrant, raspberry, single flowers sprayed lavender with lacey lavender edges. Blooms early and stays in bloom, then reblooms as night temperatures drop in late summer. Cold hardy. Great to add a punch of color in containers or in the front of the border in the mixed perennial garden bed.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 8-12 Inches
- Spread: 10-14 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Purple Shades
Featured Characteristics

Plants are midsized, with upright stems of fragrant, raspberry, single flowers sprayed lavender with lacey lavender edges. Blooms early and stays in bloom, then reblooms as night temperatures drop in late summer. Cold hardy. Great to add a punch of color in containers or in the front of the border in the mixed perennial garden bed.
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 8-12 Inches
- Spread: 10-14 Inches
- Bloom Color: Purple Shades