Daring Deception Daylily
Daring Deception Daylily
- Dark Green
- Fall
- Full Sun
- Late Summer
- Partial Sun
- Pink
- Purple
- Summer Bloomer
Daring Deception’ stretches the bloom season better than almost any other Daylily. And who wouldn’t want to see 5.5″ flowers that start blooming in June and, because it is one of the best rebloomers you’ll ever find, continuing right into the fall? Pink petals feature a ruffled, dark purple ribbon along their edges as they form a flower showcasing a very large, dark purple eye that nearly takes up half the flower! Easy to grow in wet or dry conditions, it is an excellent choice for the middle of a sunny or partially sunny garden with its dark green foliage serving as a backdrop for smaller blooming perennials! Try ‘Daring Deception’ planted as the centerpiece of a large container for excellent texture and flowers all summer while handling the drought conditions most containers can occasionally experience in without missing a beat
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 20-24 Inches
- Spread: 24-36 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Pink Shades
Purple Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Dark Green
- Fall
- Full Sun
- Late Summer
- Partial Sun
- Pink
- Purple
- Summer Bloomer
Daring Deception’ stretches the bloom season better than almost any other Daylily. And who wouldn’t want to see 5.5″ flowers that start blooming in June and, because it is one of the best rebloomers you’ll ever find, continuing right into the fall? Pink petals feature a ruffled, dark purple ribbon along their edges as they form a flower showcasing a very large, dark purple eye that nearly takes up half the flower! Easy to grow in wet or dry conditions, it is an excellent choice for the middle of a sunny or partially sunny garden with its dark green foliage serving as a backdrop for smaller blooming perennials! Try ‘Daring Deception’ planted as the centerpiece of a large container for excellent texture and flowers all summer while handling the drought conditions most containers can occasionally experience in without missing a beat
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 20-24 Inches
- Spread: 24-36 Inches
- Bloom Color: Pink Shades Purple Shades