Cambridge Dahlia
Cambridge Dahlia
Decorative & Annuals

- Attracts Butterflies
- Average Water
- Blooms all Season
- Container
- Cut Flower/Foliage
- Fall
- Fast Growing
- Focal Point
- Full Sun
- Green
- Hanging Basket
- Late Summer
- Long Blooming
- Low Maintenance
- Mass Planting
- Moist
- Multicolor
- Partial Sun
- Reblooming
- Red
- Summer Bloomer
- Upright
- Vigorous
- Well-Drained
- Yellow
Think back to your childhood years…many may have had a paint spinner that took paint and swirled it into a variety of colorful patterns on paper or maybe even your mother’s favorite tablecloth! ‘Cambridge’ is a large flowering decorative Dahlia that will remind you of the results of this creative painting technique. It possesses fully double, dinnerplate sized flowers with pale yellow to creamy white petals that look as if they have been spun with scarlet paint. It’s a unique look on a big, vigorous plant that is easy to grow and maintain and incredibly rewarding. You’ll be amazed at its continual production of huge flowers from June through September making it the talk of your sunny garden, container planting or dining room table if you cut some bloom for inside your home. Some staking to support the stiff stems holding up these massive blooms is a must.
- Category: Decorative & Annuals
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 8-10
- Height: 26-48 Inches
- Spread: 12-18 Inches
- Bloom Color: Orange Shades