Blue Cassell Hydrangea
Blue Cassell Hydrangea

- Blue
- Full Sun
- Green
- Partial Shade
- Summer Bloomer
While there is certainly no shortage of Hydrangea out there, many still stand out from the crowd. ‘Blue Cassell’ is one of those great introductions that seem to be flooding the market today and it is hard to take your eyes off it once you see its spectacular form and bloom. Huge, intense, dark blue/violet lacecap flowers practically block out its deep green, heavily substanced foliage in early summer, always facing up toward the sun on its super sturdy stems that won’t droop despite the weight of these enormous blooms. ‘Blue Cassel’ is an industrious re-bloomer, continuing to flower on both old and new wood to keep that color coming all summer. Easy to grow in sun or part shade, ‘Blue Cassel’ will thrill you with its no fuss, no muss, compact form that makes it a perfect plant to work with in almost any garden. Higher soil acidity will guarantee spectacular dark blue and beautiful bloom each year.
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 4-5 Feet
- Spread: 4-5 Feet
- Bloom Color: Blue Shades