Standard. One of the hardiest of all peaches, ripens mid to late August with greenish yellow coloring and a slight blush of red. Flesh is bright yellow, soft and juicy. Good for fresh eating, especially in colder climates. Freestone and self-fertile.

Semi-dwarf. Heavy bearing, well-formed tree. Resists cold and is tolerant to leaf spot. This vigorous grower ripens in late July in Zone 6. Beautiful red and golden yellow, medium-sized fruit is round, uniform and appealing. Disease-resistant and self-fertile.

(Semi-Dwarf) ‘Goldcot’ produces a great crop of early, medium sized, nearly round Apricots in early August. These delicious fruits are freestone and have a tough golden yellow skin that protects them from easy bruising. ‘Goldcot’ fruit is fine for fresh eating, but truly shines as a canner since the flavor, texture and the golden color go through the canning process better than most other Apricots without a loss of quality. Apricots like ‘Goldcot’ contain carotenoids which are antioxidants that help prevent heart disease, reduce “bad cholesterol” levels and protect against cancer. ‘Goldcot’ is somewhat self-fruitful but for best yield, plant (2) or more together or plant another selection of Apricot nearby. You won’t mind planting more since the trees are gorgeous in late April, covered with pink blossoms, and ornamental in summer with their furrowed bark and heart-shaped, glossy leaves. Plant in full sun for the best fruit production.

Semi-dwarf. This spreading tree produces large, firm peaches ripening late August. Golden yellow blushed with red. A freestone peach that is self-fertile and resistant to brown rot.

Introduced to America in 1968, ‘Canadian Harmony’ Peach is an early to midseason ripener that matures about 16 days after ‘Red Haven’. This selection is a strong producer of large freestone fruit with excellent shelf life and a taste that is sweet but with a bit of acidity to balance it out. This hint of acidity makes it great Peach for canning, preserving or for pies. While it might not be the prettiest Peach, what ‘Canadian Harmony’ lacks in the way of magazine cover appeal, it certainly makes up for in flavor. Once you take a bite of out of this juicy, delicious fruit straight off the tree, taste, not beauty, will be foremost in your mind! Even better than its outstanding taste, ‘Canadian Harmony’ is one of the hardiest Peaches available making it perfect for growing in those northern areas where Peaches are sought after but rarely grow well. ‘Canadian Harmony ‘ is self fruitful making it perfect for edible gardeners with limited space resources.

Sunglo is an excellent mid-season nectarine, ripening about 10 days after Redhaven. The fruit is large and juicy, and almost entirely freestone. The tree is productive and moderately vigorous. Nectarines are self-fertile and can be planted by themselves.’Sunglo’ is super sweet, juicy, and exellent in any recipe calling for peaches, but without the peeling. Keeps well.

Semi-dwarf. This vigorous, hardy plum is so productive that it will make your mouth water! ‘Shiro’ is a Japanese selection that ripens in mid-July bearing loads of medium sized, juicy, dark yellow plums that are perfect eating right off the tree. A great addition to the home orchard!

Belarina® Primroses are classic English Garden and at the same time, Nouveau in breeding and genetics. The sterile flowers mean more energy going to create the huge, long-blooming double flowers that make Belarina® so desirable. Nectarine is soft and fragrant, with ruffled double blooms of a rich golden yellow mixed with orange, a bit of sunshine at the end of a long, cold winter!

Belarina® Primroses are classic English Garden and at the same time, Nouveau in breeding and genetics. The sterile flowers mean more energy going to create the huge, long blooming double flowers that make Belarina® so desirable. Goldie is soft and fragrant and sensual, with ruffled double blooms of a rich golden yellow, a bit of sunshine at the end of a long, cold winter!

One of spring’s subtle pleasures, this Potentilla is a vigorous grower and a vigorous mid to late spring bloomer with loose groups of golden-yellow flowers that enliven the ground with their color. Perfect for full sun, Potentilla needs well-drained soil and is an outstanding groundcover for dry areas.