This Amish heirloom is not modest or plain at all, it is a bold vigorous plant with big, pink skinned, red-fleshed fruit tipping the scales at over 1 pound each. Big, boisterous flavor is even more impressive than this fruit’s size, with rich, distinctively spiced taste that many claim is the best they’ve ever had. This indeterminate plant matures fruit in 78 days, about mid-season, and you’ll be like Pavlov’s dog waiting to bite into the first one!

Still rare but becoming increasingly popular, ‘Black Prince’ is Russian in origin coming from Siberia originally. While you might expect that just getting a tomato to fruit at all in those short Siberian summers is a triumph in itself, the Siberians set their sights higher. They nurtured this heirloom plant with the small, round, 2 to 3 oz fruit because of its outstanding taste that still has chefs around the world clamoring for it in their restaurants! The fruit is distinctive with garnet red color and deeper and varying colors when you slice it. It’s perfect for fresh eating, canning and growing as a patio tomato because of its smaller, less aggressive vine.

An AAS Award Winner (1994 All American Selection), ‘Big Beef’ is full of old fashion flavor and the newest resistance to many viruses and diseases that tend to plague the beefsteak varieties. This vigorous selection grows quickly to produce large plants that tolerate adverse conditions of heat and humidty while producing large, red, globe shaped tomatoes that resist cracking and reach maturity in only 73 days. These large, bright, smooth fruit average 10-12 ounces each with just the right balance of sweet and acid and are the perfect tomato for slicing or salads. Plant in full sun and well drained soil and, with the occasional application of an organic fertilizer, you’ll have more tomatoes then you know what to do with!

Presidential in stature, ‘President Poincare’ stands upright hoisting profuse magenta-red flowers. If plants are grown near a window or walkway, you will be able to enjoy the lovely fragrance every time you’re in the vicinity!

Get ready to add a big splash of color to your salads with the deep red leaves of this easy to grow veggie. ‘Prima Rossa’ is perfect for cool conditions where it exhibits the best color and taste and should be harvested when young (25-30 days) when it is at its most tender

You’ll be thrilled by the productivity and vigor of this runnerless selection that is an aggressive grower along with an aggressive fruiter.  Loads of bloom grace this plant in early to mid May followed by a remarkable number of dime sized, sweet fruit that mature and orangy-red color. Unlike standard Strawberries, ‘Alexandria’ will continue to bloom and fruit throughout the summer and, because of its runnerless nature, it is an outstanding plant to use in a hanging basket or a container on a deck. Its fruit is great right off the plant or perfect for fresh desserts…just add a bit of sugar to really bring out its taste and juciness!

As beautiful as it is tasty, this everbearing selection produces and endless array of colorful, deep pink flowers followed by loads of sweet, bright red, cone shaped berries.  Runnerless and compact, it is the perfect Strawberry for a container or hanging basket.

Sweet Kiss Strawberry is delicous and like its name its full strawberry flavor is super sweet. It has even won numerous blind taste tests, for best flavor. Everbearing fruit is a large sized, dark red fruit is ready to harvest from June until frost.

This delightful berry is so bright it sparkles on the vine. ‘Sparkle’ has been famous in the home garden for excellent flavor and high quality and small to medium sized berries that are perfect for jams and freezing. An extremely vigorous variety, ‘Sparkle’ is an excellent choice for beginning gardeners as well as old pros along with pick-your-own operations because of its high yields and great taste. A further advantage enjoyed by ‘Sparkle’ is that its later blooms will usually escape early frosts without injury making it one of the best choices for more northern gardens. These bright red Strawberries mature in late June and will be ready for you to eat by the handful! When planting, be sure to give them plenty of room to spread since overcrowding can cause reduced berry production as the plants age.

You’ll be eating strawberries all season long with this very productive everbearing selection that gives you a multitude of medium to large berries starting in June. Fruit is firm and sweet tasting and will work perfectly for freezing or eating fresh.