Perfect massed in the landscape, as showy a specimen in sunny perennial garden, or on the patio, these colorful flower spikes will be a summer to treat you and your pollinator friends.  Ideal for borders or mass plantings. Attracts hummingbirds. Good cut flowers.

‘Violet Riot” Salvia is a colorful perennial that produces vivid violet blue flower spikes atop the mounded, aromatic foliage. Lovely when planted in drifts. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

The cat came back! This fabulously unique pussywillow disappeared for a few years as we worked out some quirks that made its extra large, deep black catkins sometimes go silver – but we’ve straightened all that out and are delighted to bring Black Cat® pussywillow back to the garden. This is a very large plant, perfect for planting as a screen or barrier. It tolerates wet soil and is very hardy. Each spring brings hundreds of fuzzy catkins that start out bright pink and silver, soon maturing to deep black.

Looking for a tough, easy to grow border planting that offers beauty and attracts a plethora of wildlife? Why not try Flowering Raspberry, an aggressive growing plant that will grow in the toughest of landscape spots while providing enough bloom and fruit to make you and your valued garden critters happy. Flowering Raspberry has a wide, flowing manner with sweeping long canes covered with deep green, nearly star shaped foliage. Fragrant, 2″ diameter purple flowers nestle amidst this foliage throughout the summer from late June through August attracting a host of native insects, butterflies and hummingbirds to sample their nectar. As flowers fade, deep purple, thimble-shaped berries appear and are greedily gobbled up by birds, critters, and humans alike! Its sprawling form must be given adequate room in the landscape but it provides great shelter for loads of birds while tolerating infertile, sandy soils in sun or partial shade with ease.

This tasty variety of black raspberry produces an abundant crop of glossy, non-seedy berries in the early summer, preceded by cute white flowers that cover the bush in May. Eaten right off the bush or preserved in jams and jellies, youll see whyBristol is famous for its scrumptious and high quality berries.

Most blackberries only bear fruit on second-season canes a new variety,Prime-Ark® Freedom, developed by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, is the world’s first thornless primocane-fruiting blackberry, meaning it fruits on both 1st year and second year canes. This mean you can potentially have two harvests in one season. And what a harvest it will be with large tasty fruit that are perfect for the home garden or to share at the local farmers market. No need to wear gloves when picking these tasty berries they are THORNLESS!! Perfect for little helpers to pick their own berries! Plant propagation prohibited.

Excellent quality black raspberry. Fruit is large, glossy black with superb flavor. ‘Jewel’ is more disease-resistant than other black raspberry varieties.

A thornless blackberry that yields a productive crop of large, very sweet, high quality fruit. The hardiest thornless blackberry, it does fine in all of Zone 5, and has good resistance to cane blight. Ripens in July.

You’ll hardly be able to stand the anticipation while waiting to pick the first ripe berries from this selection of Thornless Blackberry!! When early August rolls around, it will be hard not to keep from salivating just at the thought of these large, jet black, tasty berries. The fruit is only the end product of a plant that is one of the best of its type for the home edible garden. ‘Black Satin’ is vigorous and pest free making it extremely easy to grow in your garden. The thorn-free stems make picking a friendly, bloodless job that will reward you with oodles of berries on each stem, all of them in danger of never making it into the house since their great taste will have you eating while you pick! ‘Black Satin’ will love a sunny spot with well-drained soil and will only ask you for enough room to spread so it can offer you its bountiful yield.

One of herbs “royalty” with a scent that has so many wonderful uses! A must, either fresh or dried, for seasoning hundreds of foods, ‘Arp’ is perfect for use in teas, herbal oils, bath oils, and dried sachets and potpourris. ‘Arp’ loves full sun and good air flow and will grow well in containers, inside or outside. Upright, bushy form, dark green-gray foliage, and abundant small purple flowers will make you want these by the arm load! Perennial.