Superb landscape habit coupled with rock hardiness make this new selection a rhododendron to reckon with! Dense and spreading with big, nearly tropical looking foliage, it displays big trusses of buds that open lavender and quickly change to pure white when flowering in early to mid-May. You’ve got to try some!!

Clear, deep pink blossoms appear in abundance in early to mid-May just after PJM. A vigorous plant, it grows wide and upright with shiny, bright green foliage that turns a beautiful reddish color in fall.

You’ll love the landscape form of this selection. ‘Minnetonka’ will certainly show off at flower time with its big, beefy globes of pleasingly light purple bloom starting around mid-May. Its tremendous, deep green, shiny foliage is tightly packed on a rounded, well shaped plant that just looks neater and more formal than most other large growing types, really making it look distinct from all the other Rhododendron it might be placed near. ‘Minnetonka’ loves moist, well-drained soil and will shine in a partially shaded location as a large foundation plant or grouped in a woodland border.

Even without flowers you’d be intrigued by this selection with its distinctly dense, spreading form and its superb foliage, deep green and lustrous backed by reddish-brown indumentum. Add in impressively sized flower trusses with pale, purplish-pink flowers with a darker edge and you have a rhododendron package that will stand out anywhere. Since it is so dense and compact, it’s perfect for a smaller space and even a foundation area with a partially shaded exposure.

Everyone at Prides, from propagators to growers to sales staff is excited by this plant and for good reason! ‘Landmark’ makes an amazing impression in early May with an explosion of nearly red flowers that demands you to take notice. Think of this plant as “The red flowering PJM” and enjoy its pleasing mahogany-bronze foliage color in the winter along with its unforgettable bloom.

This compact, rounded plant features dark green foliage and stunning spring bloom that opens in mid May. Burgundy colored buds open to reveal pale lavender flowers that are rimmed with a band of deep lavender pink color. Compact form makes it ideal for use in smaller landscape spots. Big, showy mid spring bloom. Plant in groups to form a hedge in partially shaded border areas.

Dense and compact, this selecion is one of the most cold hardy Rhododendron and still amazingly showy with huge round trusses of deep pink flowers that bloom from mid to late May. Compact form makes it ideal for use in smaller landscape spots. Big, showy mid spring bloom. Very cold hardy. Plant in groups to form a hedge in partially shaded border areas.

You’ll want to rest your head on the big, dreamy pillows of frilly, light pink flowers that cover this plant starting in mid May. The size of the bloom and the trusses they are in is remarkable, so much so that they tend to completely cover the plant when in full flower. Out of bloom, ‘Dreamland’ is all you would ask for in a Rhododendron… dense, full, compact and spreading. It works well in a smaller spot in the landscape and is not as overpoweringly large as many of the varieties you are familiar with. Plant ‘Dreamland’ in a partial sun location, preferrably one with morning sun and afternoon shade and protected by winter winds. With its compact size, ‘Dreamland’ is an ideal plant to group along wooded areas for a spectacular look.

The chilly hills of Germany have furnished us with this delicious cultivar that will make you want to find room among your already crowded collection of Rhododendron. Genetically modified with double chromosomes that lead to the production of thicker stems and leaves, flowers that last even longer and a more compact form, this plant would be an outstanding addition even without its riveting bloom. But, its bloom is the Cherry on the Cheesecake, so to speak, with huge trusses of stunning pure white blooms artfully edged with deep red along with a dramatic burgundy-red splotch added to each bloom’s upper lobe, a look that is simply mesmerizing. Make sure you plant ‘Cherry Cheesecake’ in a morning sun/afternoon shade location with protection from winter winds and moist, well drained soil so you can enjoy this plant to its fullest.

Aromatic plant that produces numerous soft pink flowers that cover the branches in early May. A hardy, fast-growing plant with a dense, mounding habit, it prefers full sun and well-drained, rich soil. Excellent winter leaf retention.