Pretty Lady Rose™shares the beauty, grace and personality of the beloved Lady Rose of ‘Downton Abbey’ fame. A compact rose with dark foliage and dark pink, ruffled double blooms, fragrant with Peony tones with a hint of spice.

(Northern Hardy) Like its relative “Double Knock Out®’, ‘Double Pink Knock Out®’ will offer you a rose that is so carefree in your garden that it will remind you of the best flowering shrub you can think of with a hundred times the color!! ‘Double Pink Knockout’ is a prolific bloomer with loads of flower buds rising above its dense, compact form and deep green foliage From May to October and opening to the sweetest double hot pink, 3” diameter flowers you’ll ever see! It’s a dream garden plant for your landscape because of the color but also because it is so carefree, so disease resistant that you’ll want to mass them in any sunny spot you can find so you can fill your yard with season long color!!

Get ready to rave about this strong blooming, easy to grow, disease resistant Rose that just can’t seem to turn off the color. Glossy, deep green leaves on low arching stems serve as the backdrop for masses of buds that open yellow and quickly morph to pink as the flowers age giving a unique, multi-colored look that is breathtaking!

Carefree and colorful, ‘Carefree Wonder’ is the ideal rose for your landscape if you are a beginner or a rose growing pro because it is so floriferous, yet so problem-free with none of the disease problems that can plague other roses. You’ll be amazed at the steady stream of double, 4″ diameter, sweatheart pink flowers that will bloom above deep green, shiny foliage from late May through September. Added to the never ending flower show is a light flower fragrance that adds a subtle freshness to the garden, and a fall and winter display of small orange to red hips that birds love! Plant this in full sun and well-drained soil, and even try using it planted in a mass or as an informal, blooming small hedge.

The Sunblaze® collection is a variety of miniature roses whose petite nature is perfect for deck containers. ‘Candy’ has candy pink flowers that cluster on a short, bushy, green shrub. An easy-to-grow selection that delivers bright colors from spring through fall.

Candy Cane Cocktail™ displays bi-colored blooms of white suffused with deep pink to red edges that stand out in the garden. It features superior disease resistance and impressive re-blooming.

Bloomables® make it easy to have a garden that blooms all season. This rose has light pink flowers that will bloom in the spring and again in the fall. Beautiful, disease-resistant foliage. Excellent addition to a low-maintenance garden.

Another breakthrough rose from Will Radler, the breeder of The Knock Out® Rose. The soft salmon color and bright yellow eye will add color and beautiful spicy fragrance to your landscape. It will grow no taller than 8′, making this rose a perfect addition for small gardens. Highly spot resistant.

‘Boscobel’ bears beautifully formed flowers of rich salmon colouring. They commence as red buds which open at first to pretty cups, gradually developing into perfectly formed blooms of classic rosette formation. The numerous small petals are of varying shades, mingling to provide a most pleasing effect.The delightful, medium-strong myrrh fragrance has a hawthorn character with hints of elderflower, pear and almond. It forms an upright shrub of medium size, with dark green, glossy foliage. It is vigorous and healthy.