Known for its rock hardiness, this aggressively spreading groundcover juniper is one of the most functional plants you’ll ever use. Deep green summer foliage color turns nearly purple in the winter months, adding an unusual color to the winter landscape. A plant that’s very tolerant of poor soil conditions, ‘Bar Harbor’ is best used in large group plantings.

4″ Collection of Festive Holiday Plants. (1) 4″ container of the following plants: Gaultheria procumbens, Thuja Mr. Bowling Ball, Ilex ‘Honedymaid’, and Ilex ‘Drops of Gold’.

‘Cracked Ice’ has frosted blue and green tones with defining veins in the Summer. While in early Spring and Fall the foliage changes to a lovely silvery pink color. This plant offers intricate coloration and markings to any shaded garden. It forms a compact, vigorous mound with short spikes of white flowers in Spring and Summer.

Golden yellow margins on dark green leaves make this mounding plant a beautiful accent, foundation, or border plant. Plant in full sun for best color. Leaves accented with pink in winter. Stunning show of bright yellow when flushing in the spring.

The landscape fun lasts all year long with this playful broadleaved evergreen. Distinct white margins adorn the round, deep green foliage of this Asian transplant giving it more than enough glorious color to make it a focal point in the garden throughout the year, wowing you even more all winter as the white edges turn distinctly pink as the temperatures plummet. Known to be slower growing than the species, this Wintercreeper requires little maintenance and will be a steady climber if given the opportunity to grow up against any structure. Full sun or part shade and any well-drained soil will keep this beauty happy all year long in a multiplicity of uses from specimen to climber to low hedge or border to a group planting, beautifully massed on a slope.

No one has a bad thing to say about this ultra productive heirloom selection from Italy. Home gardeners love it because it is so dependable, easy and productive yielding teardrop shaped rosy lavender and cream colored fruit in basket loads 75 days after transplanting. Chefs love it because it is so smooth and so versatile with a delicious creamy taste that makes it perfect for slicing, stuffing or baking. ‘Rosa Bianca’ is easy to grow and virtually trouble free and a great ‘old school’ introduction to the Eggplant world for your garden!

This 2014 All American selection features a dense, compact plant that produces early and often with baby sized fruit that are prized for their mild taste and tender texture. Easy to grow and easy to harvest with thorn free calyx! The best Eggplant available for harvesting small (2-3″)…the perfect size for tenderness and mild taste that shines roasted or raw in dips and salads. The English gave the fruit the name of “Eggplant” referring to one variety’s shape which was similar to that of an egg. To much of Europe the Eggplant is referred to as an “Aubergine” while in Italy it is called Melanzana.

Even if you weren’t a big Eggplant fan, you’d fall in love with this plant just for its form and colorful flowering nature. This tight, sturdy selection is perfect for the garden but even better for a container on a deck or patio because then you could watch in awe as it sends out a continual stream of showy, purple-lavender blooms. The flowers aren’t the only striking color you’ll see…just wait a mere 50 days from transplant and you’ll see copius amounts of 4′ long, narrow eggplants in surreal neon lavender shades streaked with bright white!! WOW is the word and tasty is what you’ll discover when you prepare them in a wide array of dishes. No wonder this is a 2005 All American Selection!