Upright and narrow, this small tree is perfect for filling small spaces and it does that oh so well with outstanding branching, brilliant red edged foliage when it emerges in spring and outstanding fall foliage color. An underused gem! Outstanding small tree for small spaces. Easy to grow with very attractive foliage that emerges with a red-burgundy edge, turns sparkling green then changes to orange-red in the fall.

Lush, blue-green foliage stands majestically, producing pinkish-tan panicles nestled among the narrow leaves in late summer. Tall and upright, ‘Thundercloud’ remains standing until spring for superb winter interest.

Dependable and showy, this native grass will become your favorite garden chameleon as its blades emerge in spring to form a narrow, upright, steely blue-green column of foliage that begins to add a healthy dose of burgundy red as late spring progresses into summer. By late summer, its foliage is dominated by the stunning red color that is further enhanced by light, airy, small red flowers that form an attractive, airy seed head in late August. You’ll love its great color, its ability to attract seed seeking birds, and your ability to succeed with it in the landscape. ‘Shenandoah’ is a superb plant for grouping in sunny areas and even gives the winter landscape interest with its swaying brown, dried foliage.

Straight from the University of Connecticut’s breeding program, this exciting new Panicum will get immediate notice in the garden. Why? There is no other Panicum that turns as deeply and fantastically red as this show-stopping selection. Ruby Ribbons™ is the result of a cross with one parent being ‘Heavy Metal’ so you know its summer foliage will be metallic blue with red overtones and very attractive. As the cooler weather of fall approaches, so does the red color with the foliage getting so infused with red, you might think you are looking at Pennisetum rubrum from a distance. It is incredibly darker than ‘Shenandoah’ and perfect for putting on a late summer and fall show of red that will have you riveted. Plant Ruby Ribbons™ in a sunny spot in any well-drained soil and it will thrive. Plant it in groups to create colorful sweeps in the garden that will take your breath away.

A sturdy, durable ornamental grass that withstands adverse weather conditions. Grey-green leaves form a strictly upright, dense clump. Rose-colored flower panicles and leaf tips in fall. ‘Apache Rose’ contributes to the beauty and stability of your garden regardless the season, provides colorful shelter for birds during the coldest days of winter!

Make a strong landscape statement with this tall, easy to grow, narrow, upright, wide bladed grass that is bound to be noticed wherever you plant it. Dark, olive-green foliage with just a hint of powdery blue add to this plant’s mystique as does its ability to thrive in so many soils from poor, sandy, droughty ones to moist, well-drained fertile ones. It makes a stunning display in groups and looks even better in summer as stalks form and hold showy, upright flower panicles above the foliage for all to see, including colorful birds who look forward to the ample seed this selection provides. This plant is exclusively offered to American Beauty program buyers!

Features medium green leaves which turn yellow (sometimes with orange tints) in autumn, fading to tan-beige in winter. Effective as a screen or used in perennial borders.

Blue tinted foliage and graceful fountain habit. The flowers are airy in fall with a light beige tone. Great for borders, mass plantings or containers. Use for fresh or dried flower arrangements. Attracts birds and butterflies.

Aggressive growing and tough, this plant has a tender side that shows itself in early to mid-spring with an explosion of color that will shine like a spotlight in shady spots. Deep green foliage remains semi-evergreen in many spots and spreads thickly to form a ground covering mat. Early spring sees long stems extend above the foliage and burst into color in mid-April with an irresistible force of golden daisy-like flowers that is breathtaking. After bloom ends later in May, Senecio becomes a very dependable foliage groundcover that thrives in moist soils. It loves to fill empty holes in the landscape so give it room and rest assured that it will provide year round cover for many small native landscape critters.

A marked improvement over the straight species, ‘Green Carpet’ provides you with a dense, neat growing, non-floppy plant that thrives in full shade. This is the perfect groundcover for growing in dense shade or under a tree where it seems like nothing else survives. ‘Green Carpet’ will survive and thrive, producing a uniform stand of upright stems, densely packed with deep green, lustrous, evergreen foliage that looks great year round. ‘Green Carpet’ spreads by stolons and works well in high erosion areas to tightly bind the soil and land to reduce further loss. This selection is drought tolerant, easy to grow and, although its terminal spring blooming spikes of small white flowers are somewhat inconspicuous, it is a great looking plant.