Take advantage of this selection for the absolute first Blueberries to ripen in your garden! That’s right, ‘Earliblue’ will give you baskets of large, light blue, deliciously sweet Blueberries in late July kicking of your picking season with a bang! ‘Earliblue’ is extremely hardy and a little denser and shorter than most other highbush selections but its smaller stature does not diminish its fruit output. If anything, ‘Earliblue’s’ only characteristic that will cause you gardening angst is its early bloom as it will cover itself in white, fragrant, bell shaped Blueberry blossoms at least a week earlier than most other selections making it vulnerable to possible frost damage. Your protection is a must here but it will be the only extra work besides keeping the birds from making off with its copius fruit as they ripen!

Start your blueberry picking season off right with this excellent selection that offers high yields and sweet, seductive taste on big, deep blue berries starting in early July. This slightly tart, very firm berry is perfect for fresh eating but also one of the best berries for freezing, allowing you to enjoy ‘Duke’ long after its profuse crop has been picked.

Consistent, easy to care for, and large, great tasting fruit… What more could you ask for in a blueberry?? This mid-season producer of great tasting blueberries has it all on an upright, open-growing bush that will be one of the best performers you’ve ever had in your fruit garden.

An old stand by, mid-season fruiting variety, ‘Blueray’ is an outstanding yielder with loads of large, powder blue berries and a great taste that will always have people looking for more. This selection’s upright, open form displays stunning burgundy fall color and outstanding winter stem color.

Humans and landscape critters alike will find it hard to resist this American Beauties selection. Robust and rounded, ‘Blue Jay’ is easy to grow, tolerating dry acidic, poor soils and partial shade while yielding an impressive crop of deep blue, sizable berries in August. Not only do humans love the fruit, countless songbirds and small mammals count it as one of their favorite foods, making it a magnet for wildlife in the landscape while native bees and butterflies seek out the nectar from its May flowering. ‘Blue Jay’ also provides outstanding cover for these birds and mammals, all while looking great in the landscape with deep green foliage that puts on a remarkable purplish-red fall show. Plant ‘Blue Jay’ singly or in groups and watch your landscape come alive.

A combination planting of 3 different corymosum blueberries. An early, mid and late producer that will ensure a long berry picking season. Provides a “berry” long berry picking season!

Vigorous and rounded, this selection is a strong, dependable producer of mild tasting, medium-sized, powder blue fruit that mature in mid season. A superb fall foliage show and bright yellow winter twig color add to the landscape attractiveness of this selection.

Another small space wonder, ‘Polaris’ will thrill with its tight form, heavy producing ability and sweet, sweet berry taste. ‘Polaris’ is known as a ‘half-high’ type of Blueberry, combining the denseness of lowbush selections with the fruit size and larger berry yeilds of the highbush selections. The result is a plant that will cover itself with fragrant, white, bell shaped flowers in early May and with medium sized, powder blue, aromatic, extremely sweet tasting fruit in late July and early August. It is one of the earliest maturing of the Blueberries meaning that you might have to fight off more than the birds for its sweet fruit as hungry family members will be looking to outwit you for their year’s first taste of fresh Blueberries! ‘Polaris’ is such a low maintenance plant and will even reward you and your garden with brilliant orange-red fall foliage color!

Selected at the University of Maine for its amazing red fall foliage color, this native plant goes beyond fruiting…it’s an outstanding landscape plant that just happens to produce an amazing amount of small, deep blue, tasty fruit in July. Beyond being a gastronomic delight for humans and for landscape critters of many sizes and species, ‘Burgundy’ is a great plant for massing in sunny, well drained, sandy locations that allow it become an unbroken swath of beauty with deep green foliage in the summer followed by a red foliage display in fall that will make you think the ground is ablaze! Even in winter its burning red stems provide a blazing contrast to the snow!

It would be hard to find a plant that has more admirers or uses than this American Beauties selection. Its dense, low, spreading, compact form makes it an idea plant for a multitude of landscape uses as a front of the landscape planting or as a mass planting in any sunny to partial shaded area. Even better than its versatility, this plant is a magnet to native bees and butterflies seeking out the nectar from its small white flowers in May and to birds and small mammals in the summer for that multitude of small, sweet, dark blue fruit. You will prize this plant as much as these landscape creatures especially when you consider how it tolerates dry, acid, poor soils and how it puts on a fiery orange-red to purply-red fall foliage color that looks like someone set the ground on fire!