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Sweet Marmalade Butterfly Bush

Who knows what will thrill you first? Could it be the stunning gray-green foliage that looks so soft and velvety that it makes you want to reach out and touch […]

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Tutti Fruitti Butterfly Bush

Tutti Fruitti Butterfly Bush

Buddleia ‘Tutti Gruitti’ is part of a breakthrough series of butterfly bush that takes an old landscape stanby and makes it better. As part of the Flutterby Petite series, ‘Tutti […]

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Peach Cobbler Butterfly Bush

“Sustainable” is the word of the day and here is its definition: The Buddleia Flutterby Grande™ Series, considered to be the best of the new Buddleias in the business because […]

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Flutterby Blueberry Cobbler Butterfly Bush

Flutterby Blueberry Cobbler Butterfly Bush

Dense and spreading with arching branches, ‘Blueberry Cobbler’ flaunts its silver-grey foliage that gives the plant almost a glimmer in the landscape. Even better, as July hits, long, narrow cones […]

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CranRazz Butterfly Bush

CranRazz Butterfly Bush

Game-changing color has gardeners seeing red! This new Buddleia is a must have, with its spectacular raspberry red petals with dainty yellow eye covering huge 8″ panicles. Extremely free-flowering from […]

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Queen of Hearts Heartleaf Brunnera

Queen of Hearts Heartleaf Brunnera

Heart-shaped leaves have a silver overlay and a narrow band of dark green veining. Baby blue, forget-me-not type blossoms. Offers easy maintenance and is a perfect plant for that shady […]

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Jack of Diamonds Heartleaf Brunnera

Jack of Diamonds Heartleaf Brunnera

Huge 9-10″ leaves overlap dramatically at the base and look circular from a distance. Heavy silver overlay and vivid, wide, dark green veining pattern. Baby blue, forget-me-not type blossoms.  A […]

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Alexander’s Great Heartleaf Bugloss

Alexander’s Great Heartleaf Bugloss

This huge Brunnera has silvery foliage with striking green venation. Charming sky blue flowers bloom in April and May. The fluttering flowers add great contrasting texture to the thick, leathery […]

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Siberian bugloss

Siberian bugloss

This landscape stunner will thrill you with its vigorous, easy grow nature along with its big, beautiful, shining foliage that lights up the shade garden! Brunnera Alexandria has a unique […]

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Blonde Ambition Blue Grama Grass

Blonde Ambition Blue Grama Grass

‘Blond Ambition’ has a unique, flag-like flower, unlike any other. A profusion of chartreuse blooms appear in mid-summer attracting butterflies. As the flowers mature they take on a blond color, […]

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