Plant post fallback image.

Elfin Creeping Thyme

You’ll find this flat, tuft-forming gem hard to resist with its cute, smaller size, its tremendous gray-green foliage, and its soothing, soft pink early summer bloom. A great rock garden […]

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Coccineus Thyme

Coccineus Thyme

Prostrate growing and lush, this selection’s dark green, fine textured foliage dresses up rockery well especially when covered with its magenta-red flowers starting in late June. This plant loves well-drained […]

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White Thyme

White Thyme

Stunning, light green foliage provides a wonderful contrast with darker foliaged Thymes while forming a thick, low mat that is smothered in clouds of white flowers starting in mid to […]

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Junior Giant Arborvitae

Junior Giant Arborvitae

The same deep, green foliage as the beloved ‘Green Giant’ but Junior is just that, a smaller version – great for the privacy screen that will max out at 20′ […]

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Fluffy® Western Arborvitae

Fluffy® Western Arborvitae

You’ll love what Fluffy Western arborvitae does for your landscape! This unique evergreen has soft, bold foliage that emerges yellow and gives the plant a halo-like effect in the landscape. […]

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Carolina Lupine

Carolina Lupine

As much shrub-like as perennial, you will be hard pressed to find a more attention grabbing plant when it is in bloom. Carolina Lupine rises from the ground each spring […]

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Blue-Ridge Buckbean

Blue-Ridge Buckbean

Tall yellow spike-like flowers emerge from a grey-green foliage, attracting many pollinators to your yard. Long, upward, clumpforming plant hosts  bonnet-like flowers that can reach up to 3′ tall. Seed […]

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Early Meadow-rue

Early Meadow-rue

This great garden bridge plant adds attractive foliage and texture along with subtle flowers that attract pollinators after woodland species flowers have passed and before the summer bloomers take hold. […]

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Goat’s Rue

Goat’s Rue

It is hard to believe that a plant so breathtaking could be so rare but this selection embodies that standout pea-like flowers of creamy yellow accentuated by a fuchsia-pink lower […]

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Scentara Pura® Lilac

Scentara Pura® Lilac

Classic lilac fragrance with vigorous, modern-day disease resistance! Scentara Pura® is a hyacinthiflora lilac, the most fragrant type on the market. It earns its name from its pure purple flowers and […]

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