This All American selection lives up to its billing with endless numbers of 3-4″ long, thin chili peppers that are spicy and perfect for use salsas, sauces or cooking. Each plant is dense and thick with great leaf cover for the fruit and the plant is colder tolerant meaning earlier fruit for a longer time
This All American selection is a sweet, versatile garden winner. Sweet because its flavor is just that, with thick flesh that is tasty and mild even as a green colored immature fruit. ‘Carmen’ is one of the most versatile Pepper plants you can grow. It is adaptable to container growing on a deck or patio or to in-ground planting and reli – ably sets fruit in either spot in all weather conditions, hot or cold, unlike many other more temperamental peppers. ‘Carmen’ is a strong producer yielding bunches of bull horn shaped, 5-6 long fruit that are a mature red in a mere 75 days from transplanting. It has to be the best, easiest to grow sweet Pepper you’ll ever try!
Your first look at this plant may make you think that carrots grow above ground but don’t be fooled. This highly productive, orange colored, baby carrot shaped heirloom Pepper doesn’t taste a thing like a carrot no matter how much it looks like one! This fruit is very hot and spicy and very attractive. Try some of these Peppers in salsa, chutney, or for roasting and get ready to feel the burn. In fact, you’ll find this Pepper is ideal for container growing with its compact habit and high yield so pop some in a pot if you run out of garden space!
When someone tells you this All American winning Pepper is hot you may want further clarification. Its jet black fruit that turns dark red as it matures is definitely hot… extremely hot along with being profuse and extremely decorative. Rest assured that ‘Black Pearl’s’ hotness does not stop at fruit. Its jet black foliage and dense, compact, full form are the hottest thing to hit Peppers in decades producing a striking looking garden plant that can be used in any decorative situation you can think of from flower beds to colorful container gardens. ‘Black Pearl’ is one of those great plants that comes along only rarely. Experience its visual hotness and its palatable hotness if you dare!
Many of our native Mexican staff members have been urging us for years to grow this versatile, tasty Chile that is a staple of their diet. I don’t know what took us so long, but it’s easy to see why this Pepper is so popular. These mildly hot, tasty, 4 long fruits are borne in great numbers on a sturdy, upright growing plant and mature from green to red in approximately 65 days from trans plant. What makes this fruit so special besides the outstanding flavor is its ability to be used in so many ways ? from stuffing to drying and especially for use in rellenos and mole. Called Poblano when fresh or Ancho when dried, no matter what its name, you’ll call it yummy!
Hot, spicy and productive, ‘Gong Bao’ is the pepper of your dreams continually setting fruit all summer that matures into 4-5″ long, thin walled, spicy chilis that will put a tasty bite in any food make that needs to wake up!
Count Dracula rules the garden with its tight form and almost black foliage with green undertones. Even better, it is well known for its multitudes of black, maturing red fruit that offer an unforgettable bite and considerable heat!
Bragging rights are yours with this legendary pepper that checks in with a searing of 2,000,000 Scoville Heat Units. We have seen the words ‘Face Melting’ when it comes to this pepper and it is a heavy producer of small, brilliant red fruit
Tired of waiting through the heat of summer to get your Hot Peppers? That’s over with this 2017 AAS winner that produces tons of small, brilliant red, toasty warm peppers for your salsa or hot sauces. Thin walled, colorfule & productive! Big producer with scads of small, red fruit that mature in mid July right on through fall. Perfect for sauces, salsa and drying, make sure you fertilize during the summer for best yielding.