The flowers on this easy to grow, very hardy deciduous shrub open pure white with a yellow throat and then change to pink, giving you multiple colors on a single plant The flowers really pop against the bright green foliage. Blooms in May and reblooms until frost while atrracting hummingbirds all the while.

You’ll be amazed by the sheer will to flower this dense, compact plant exhibits. In fact, you’ll be blown away in early June when this plant is nearly completely covered with light pink, tubular flowers. Like all Weigelas, this plant is easy to grow and its compact size lends itself to grouping and massing to create an incredible flower display in late spring.

One of the best hummingbird attracting plants we have, with profuse, colorfast red flowers that start in late May and recur throughout the summer. Upright when young with arching branches as it ages, it’s perfect for border plantings and has one of the best deep green foliages of all weigela.

This selection is a little gem with dense compact landscape form, purple-tinged, dark green foliage, and a profusion of ruby red flowers that will keep your neighborhood hummingbirds happy! Late May blooming through June, it’s an easy care, disease-free beauty.

One look at this plant’s name will tell you its most outstanding feature: incredible deep, dark foliage color! ‘Minor Black’ has such deep red foliage that it truly does look black until you get close up making it a plant that will standout from the rest of the crowded red foliated Weigela that are out there on the market. Even better, its dense, spreading form makes it a perfect plant for any sunny, small space or even a container on a sunny deck, showing its darkly handsome foliage without fade throughout the growing season with the bonus of deep red flowers that contrast nicely with the foliage starting in mid May and continuing into mid June. ‘Minor Black’ is hardy, easy to grow and a little off the beaten track for those who dare to be different in their landscape!

When ‘Ghost’™ flushes in the spring, its foliage looks like that of any other nondescript Weigela sporting a medium green color that facelessly blends into the rest of the green landscape. Dark red flowers appear in late May in abundance to attract local butterflies and hummingbirds with their striking color and tubular shape but the real show begins after its bloom has passed. As weeks go by, ‘Ghost’™ sees its bland foliage magically transform to iridescent, ghostly, butter yellow as the summer progresses. It’s a metamorphosis that few plants can match and one that will change this former wallflower into the star of the summer garden. ‘Ghost’™ even reblooms from time to time in the summer adding more color to any sunny or partially shaded area.

What a variegated masterpiece! The foliage on this selection will have you begging for more with strong, bright yellow-edged leaves that really show off. But wait until ‘French Lace’™ flowers! The massive amounts of deep, dark red flowers are nothing like you’ve ever seen on a variegated Weigela before! ‘French Lace’™ is truly a shining, emerging landscape star.

Amazing miniature clusters of grapes on a dwarf grapevine can be grown indoors or out—a small plant that’s easy to care for with continual fruiting. This variety of grape is typically used to produce champagne or wine and can be enjoyed fresh, or used as a simple garnish. Sweet, tart flavor.

Developed at Cornell University, this white Grape is perfect for growing in the northern home orchard and an incredibly heavy producer. This selection is widely used for producing a number of different white wines and is one of the easiest Grapes to grow with good disease resistance.

Flip Side® is cloaked in 8-inch, fragrant, deep purple flowers that attract a nonstop parade of pollinators. It’s also a strong rebloomer. Flip Side® got its name because the greyish olive-green leaves are dusky purple on the lower surface. Great for containers and a cool plant for warmer regions.