A thornless blackberry that yields a productive crop of large, very sweet, high quality fruit. The hardiest thornless blackberry, it does fine in all of Zone 5, and has good resistance to cane blight. Ripens in July.

Vigorous and productive, this selection of red raspberry sets the standard in its grouping for the best in fruit size and productivity. You will never come back in the house empty handed during the late July through August harvest period of this plant unless you eat everything you pick before you come in! That’s a distinct possibilily considering how highly sugared the berries are … even with the massive quantities this plant produces, you may want to wolf them down before waiting to bring them in to share! ‘Caroline’ is a fast grower and will ramble so give it some room in any sunny or partially shaded locationwith good drainage.

You’ll hardly be able to stand the anticipation while waiting to pick the first ripe berries from this selection of Thornless Blackberry!! When early August rolls around, it will be hard not to keep from salivating just at the thought of these large, jet black, tasty berries. The fruit is only the end product of a plant that is one of the best of its type for the home edible garden. ‘Black Satin’ is vigorous and pest free making it extremely easy to grow in your garden. The thorn-free stems make picking a friendly, bloodless job that will reward you with oodles of berries on each stem, all of them in danger of never making it into the house since their great taste will have you eating while you pick! ‘Black Satin’ will love a sunny spot with well-drained soil and will only ask you for enough room to spread so it can offer you its bountiful yield.

Baby Cakes is a dwarf, thornless blackberry perfect for container gardening with its compact habit. Spring and early summer bring bright white flowers. In summer, large, sweet berries present on top of the plant in a fireworks-like spray of fruit. The plant has a somewhat round shape with upright growth reaching 3-4′ in height. In most regions, this blackberry will produce twice with a mid-summer floricane crop and a mid-fall primocane crop. The later crop is sometimes inhibited by high summer temperatures so gardeners in areas with hot summers may need to rely primarily on the floricane fruit. – Brazelberries®

Amazingly vigorous and incredibly productive, this fall bearing Raspberry sets the standard when it comes to quantity and quality of fruit producing long, conical, sizable bright red fruit starting in late June into July and another crop in late August and early September. While the fruit of ‘Autumn Britten’ is great in any dessert, it might never make it to the dessert table because they are so sweet and tasty you might just eat them all as you pick! Easy to grow, this plant will tolerate nearly any sunny, well drained location.

If you like fall bearing Raspberries, ‘Anne’ is your choice for the best fall bearing yellow Raspberry. Think of ‘Anne’ almost a yellow version of the old red favorite fall bearer, ‘Heritage’. ‘Anne’ offers the same big, sweet berries in big numbers in the spring and fall just like ‘Heritage’ only in a pleasing yellow, firm berry that your taste buds will thank you for. Like all Raspberries, ‘Anne’ is easy to grow in any sunny location… just give it space so you can pick easily and so this wide grower does not overfill a small space.

Looking for that picturesque delicious berry you see in the store? Look no further with ‘Vintage’! A berry plant that is often sought after for it’s higher yield rate, longer growing season, and overall larger berry, ‘Vintage’ is a surefire choice to plant in your garden. The bush itself will be uniform and upright, and furthermore, self-pollinating, so multiple bushes are not necessary.

Get ready for great tasting Currants with a twist…different color and different flavor!! ‘Pink Champagne’ is a cross between White Currant and Red Currant that yields a fruit that is white with a distinct pink blush. To go along with the different color, ‘Pink Champagne’s’ taste will also surprise you with a luscious sweetness that makes it great for fresh eating. While not as tart as Red Currant, ‘Pink Champagne’ is still a surefire winner when it comes to preserves, jams and jellies just like the rest of this family. Even better, this selection is the perfect home edible garden plant with its dense, full form, its very low maintenance nature, and its extremely high yields for such a compact plant. You’ll be picking ‘Pink Champagne’ by the containerful once this plant gets established!

Talk about hot, this cross between the American Gooseberry and the European Black Currant has produced one of the most written about fruits of the last few years and one that is so easy to grow in the backyard garden. This vigorous, easy to grow shrubby plant can produce up to 10 to 12 pounds of deep purple, nearly black berries on a mautre plant. These prolific berries are tart and sweet at the same time and loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Jostaberry can be used fresh, baked, juiced or in preserves…they are so versatile and so great tasting its amazing more people aren’t growing them!

Talk about hot, this cross between the American Gooseberry and the European Black Currant has produced one of the most written about fruits of the last few years and one that is so easy to grow in the backyard garden. This vigorous, easy to grow shrubby plant can produce up to 10 to 12 pounds of deep purple, nearly black berries on a mautre plant. These prolific berries are tart and sweet at the same time and loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Jostaberry can be used fresh, baked, juiced or in preserves…they are so versatile and so great tasting its amazing more people aren’t growing them!