Selected at the University of Maine for its amazing red fall foliage color, this native plant goes beyond fruiting…it’s an outstanding landscape plant that just happens to produce an amazing amount of small, deep blue, tasty fruit in July. Beyond being a gastronomic delight for humans and for landscape critters of many sizes and species, ‘Burgundy’ is a great plant for massing in sunny, well drained, sandy locations that allow it become an unbroken swath of beauty with deep green foliage in the summer followed by a red foliage display in fall that will make you think the ground is ablaze! Even in winter its burning red stems provide a blazing contrast to the snow!
This native blueberry produces sweet, dark blue berries from mid-to-late summer and has an open, airy form befitting a shrub border or native garden environment. Dainty white flowers cover the bush in May, and its dark green leaves put on a magnificent autumn show as they transform to a reddish-bronze color, making this a great selection for both taste and aesthetic purposes.
Vigorous to a fault, this Tomatillo will thrill you with its massive yields of 2.5-3″. globe-shaped fruits that are unparalleled for fresh use with salsas and peppers. Easy to grow, this selection needs some space but is a home garden bonanza!
You’ll be thrilled by the productivity and vigor of this runnerless selection that is an aggressive grower along with an aggressive fruiter. Loads of bloom grace this plant in early to mid May followed by a remarkable number of dime sized, sweet fruit that mature and orangy-red color. Unlike standard Strawberries, ‘Alexandria’ will continue to bloom and fruit throughout the summer and, because of its runnerless nature, it is an outstanding plant to use in a hanging basket or a container on a deck. Its fruit is great right off the plant or perfect for fresh desserts…just add a bit of sugar to really bring out its taste and juciness!
As beautiful as it is tasty, this everbearing selection produces and endless array of colorful, deep pink flowers followed by loads of sweet, bright red, cone shaped berries. Runnerless and compact, it is the perfect Strawberry for a container or hanging basket.
This delightful berry is so bright it sparkles on the vine. ‘Sparkle’ has been famous in the home garden for excellent flavor and high quality and small to medium sized berries that are perfect for jams and freezing. An extremely vigorous variety, ‘Sparkle’ is an excellent choice for beginning gardeners as well as old pros along with pick-your-own operations because of its high yields and great taste. A further advantage enjoyed by ‘Sparkle’ is that its later blooms will usually escape early frosts without injury making it one of the best choices for more northern gardens. These bright red Strawberries mature in late June and will be ready for you to eat by the handful! When planting, be sure to give them plenty of room to spread since overcrowding can cause reduced berry production as the plants age.
You’ll be eating strawberries all season long with this very productive everbearing selection that gives you a multitude of medium to large berries starting in June. Fruit is firm and sweet tasting and will work perfectly for freezing or eating fresh.
Freezing strawberries to extend the eating season is great, but still a poor substitute for eating them fresh and juicy right off the plant. ‘Record’ is a groundbreaking selection that will help stretch the fresh season even longer with berries that mature the first week of July through the middle of the month! No strawberry matures later and few strawberries will taste better because ‘Record’ is not just about how late it will mature. This Italian based selection has large, firm, bright red, very tasty strawberries that you’ll find yourself eating by the handful as you harvest. Even better, its plants are strong, vigorous and resistant to many of the strawberry diseases that can trouble your edible garden. ‘Record’ is so carefree to grow and, yes, you can still freeze its berries very successfully and get high quality taste and texture even after the picking season is over.
You might think of this Strawberry as the generous type with its generously large size and it overly generous sweet taste. There’s nothing wrong with generosity and you’ll be thankful for it once you start picking and munching on these oversized beauties in early June. You might even get a little addicted to their taste, trying but failing to resist eating them right off the plant! If they do make it in the house, they are perfect for freezing and the plants themselves are easy to grow in any sunny, well drained garden soil.
This New York Experimental Station release is destined to find a fond place in your heart. Blessed with the classic conical strawberry shape, deep red color and a calyx that adds just the right frilliness to the top of the berry, ‘L’Amour’ is as pretty as it is tasty! You’ll find it to be a great edible landscape plant not only because of its great looks but also because of its cold weather hardiness, its great disease resistance, its propensity to produce high yields and its sweet, satisfying taste that will always have you looking for more. ‘L’Amour’s’ mid-season fruit will be one of your favorites fresh out of the garden, but its firm fruit will allow you to stretch the strawberry dessert season even longer since it freezes so well.