Everyone is looking for a dwarf Blueberry to use in the landscape but the varieties available invariably disappoint due to poor fruiting or poor growing. Jelly Bean® changes all that in the form of a dense, compact, small leaved plant that produces masses of medium sized, dark blue, incredibly tasty blue berries in July and early August. It is so prolific and such an easy care, easy to grow plant that you won’t know where to use it first, grouped to form a fruiting small, formal hedge in any sunny garden or in a container where you can pick right from your back door. Add in spectacular fall foliage color and you have a small Blueberry that will be a big winner in your garden.

Ligonberries are similar to Cranberries and Blueberries in many ways: each plant is easy to grow in the home landscape, they all love acidic soils and all thrive in containers. Ligonberries are quite different in form, appearance and method of growth as they slowly spread by underground rhizomes and form a low growing, evergreen groundcover. ‘REgal’, like all Lingonberries, blooms twice, unlike its relatives, once in May and then again in July as small pinkish flowers in clusters at the tips of 1-year-old wood. The May bloom produces fruit that ripens in July while the second crop in October, is generally larger and higher quality because of ripening at a cooler time of year. Its deep red fruit is slightly smaller than a Cranberry and can be used in sauces, syrups, jellies, pie fillings tart drinks and even wines or liqueur. ‘Regal’, one of the largest berried and most reliable of Lingonberries and will thrive in half to full day sun.

The lingonberry is a plant with a great history that is virtually unknown. It has been an important food source in the northern hemisphere since the time of the cavemen with its profuse fruit bearing capacity and high vitamin and anti-oxidant content. While nearly forgotten today, it should be a home gardener’s dream with its great look, compact form, double cropping of fruit and incredible ease of care. ‘Koralle’ is a dense, slow growing, spreading evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves on flat, spreading branches that will bloom in April and May to produce a crop of bright red, glossy, firm fruit that will be ready for harvest in July and August. ‘Koralle’ will surprise you with another round of bloom during the summer as the first group of fruit maturing, forming a considerable crop of berries for harvest in September. As you can see, ‘Koralle’, with its grat history, still has the goods to be memorable in your garden as long as you plant it in a sunny, well-drained spot and don’t forget to pick! Eat lingoberries fresh, in prepared desserts or even juiced other fruit for refreashing, healthty drink!

Stevens’ forms a low, spreading, groundcover with fine textured, glossy green foliage. A profusion of small white flowers appear in early May followed large, bright shiny red Cranberries ready for September harvest. Easy to grow, hardy plant sporting festive red berries. Fruit is loaded with Vitamin C! Great groundcover in the edible landscape.

This hardy native groundcover sports dark evergreen foliage that transforms to a magnificent mahogony color in the fall and winter, and even better, festive red edible berries that can be enjoyed into the winter months. A unique multitasker,Lo Hugger will adorn your plant borders while its berries entertain your tastebuds fresh or preserved in jams and jellies.

A combination planting of 3 different corymosum blueberries. An early, mid and late producer that will ensure a long berry picking season. Provides a “berry” long berry picking season!

Strong growing with deep green glossy foliage, fragrant bell shaped flowers in May and a huge crop of lustrous, small to medium sized, delicious Blueberries in early July. Self pollinating. Extremely hardy. Perfect for smaller spaces or more urban settings due to smaller stature. Heavy producer. Early to harvest with outstanding taste and texture. Brilliant fall foliage color.

We think this selection may be the best early season producer out there! Which other variety will give you such massive yields in such dense, rounded, compact package? ‘Patriot’ isn’t only an incredible fruiting plant, it’s an incredible landscape plant with superb, lustrous, deep green foliage and a fiery orange-red fall color that will stop you in your tracks!

Big, burly, and productive, ‘Jersey’ is an old time variety that keeps on growing! ‘Jersey’ is laden with huge numbers of small- to medium-sized, sweet, dark blue fruit late in the season and is a consistent producer of perfect fresh eating or pie berries year after year.

Take advantage of this selection for the absolute first Blueberries to ripen in your garden! That’s right, ‘Earliblue’ will give you baskets of large, light blue, deliciously sweet Blueberries in late July kicking of your picking season with a bang! ‘Earliblue’ is extremely hardy and a little denser and shorter than most other highbush selections but its smaller stature does not diminish its fruit output. If anything, ‘Earliblue’s’ only characteristic that will cause you gardening angst is its early bloom as it will cover itself in white, fragrant, bell shaped Blueberry blossoms at least a week earlier than most other selections making it vulnerable to possible frost damage. Your protection is a must here but it will be the only extra work besides keeping the birds from making off with its copius fruit as they ripen!