Long reknowned for the health benefits of its fruit, now you get to experience the benefits of this locally rare plant in your own garden! Rounded and compact, Gojiberry features elongated, deep green leaves and a spring bloom of mixed white, pink and purple flowers on the same plant. Berries appear soon after and mature in the mid summer. These tasty berries are grape sized and mildly sweet with a higher antioxidant content than blueberries and blackberries. Easy to grow, once established this plant is quite drought resistant and will tolerate poorer soil with little complaint

Dense and full, this extremely hardy shrub is an easy care wonder with a surprisingly tasty fruit. Showy, white, fragrant flowers bloom in early May followed by deep blue, elongated, profuse blueberry-like fruit in late  July. Needs a 2nd variety for pollination.

This high yielding selection produces very big fruit – up to 1.5″ long and 0.5″ wide. Use as a companion plant to Sugar Mountain® Blue for improved fruiting. 

Easy to grow backyard fruit! Hardy, and much more adaptable than blueberries, this native shrub produces abundant sweet fruits up to 1″ long and 0.5″ wide. This is an excellent pollinator for Sugar Mountain Blue haskap; best fruiting will occur when two varieties are planted together.

Incredibly hardy, this fruit comes to us via Siberia so you can bet it stands up to harsh conditions! Late April bloom leads to vast quantities of long, deep blue berries that can be eaten fresh or dried and are high in antioxidants

New to American shores, this bush form of Honeysuckle is native to eastern Siberia. ‘Blue Belle’™ offers a sweet, easy to grow treat in the form of oodles of dark blue, oblong, almost Blueberry-tasting berries that mature in June. This fruit is perfect for fresh eating by the handful or sprinkled on your favorite early summer treat like ice cream for an even sweeter rush of flavor. ‘Blue Belle’™ is a dense, rounded shrub with tight branching that holds deep green, elongated foliage. Small, white flowers bloom along its branches in April while foliage is emerging leading to the incredible array of fruit that quickly matures by late spring. ‘Blue Belle’™ loves full sun and well-drained soil and is as tough as nails as you might expect with its Siberian heritage. Plant another selection nearby for best pollination and fruit set although you will get some fruit if planted alone.

This selection will change how you look at Alpine Strawberries forever! ‘Tarpan’ is far more robust than the species with plants that grow vigorously while flowering and fruiting magnificently. Even better, where most Alpine Strawberries have small white flowers, ‘Tarpan’ serves up big, deep pinkish-red blooms that jump out against the backdrop of deep green Strawberry foliage. How about its fruit? In a word: outstanding with sweet taste and small to medium sized berries that will continue to keep on coming from early summer to frost due to this plant’s day neutral flowering. You won’t be able to get enough of this easy care, versatile plant and its tasty fruit so use ‘Tarpan’ in the garden, in Strawberry pots, in hanging baskets or anywhere you might want to sneak off to get a daily treat around your home!

While we were admiring the beauty, toughness and hardiness of this Swedish introduction in the landscape, the Swede’s were back home doing the same yet taking it a step further. Rather than leaving its ample fruit to the birds each year, they were harvesting it because they already knew that it was off the charts for anti-oxidant content. Rather than making more birds healthy, they used the fruit in preserves, jams, fruit drinks and even wine to take full advantage of its great taste and strong health benefits. Now you can do the same with this very low maintenanace plant that will thrive even in the least fertile, roughest landscape spot. ‘Viking’ flowers in mid-May and will give rise to flattened heads of green fruit that turn jet black when they mature later in the summer. Be sure to net the plants when the fruit matures or you will fighting with your birds in a harvesting contest! After harvesting, enjoy the view in the fall as its deep green foliage turns fiery red as the weather cools!

This fast growing vine always has landscape interest with plentiful, small, white bloom in spring, breathtaking white and pink irregularly variegated foliage and a flood of sweet, small, tasty fruit in summer. Easy to grow and perfect for screening.