Bred to thrive in the home orchard, this disease resistant selection is known for its consistent crop of dark red to nearly black colored fruit that is firm, sweet and delicious. Perfect for fresh eating, this mid-season producer will also shine when canned or preserved

Apricots have always been touchy as you head toward our northern climate but this self-fruitful selection is perfect for our area with superior Zone 5 hardiness and a heavy producing nature that will have you cheering. You’ll be overwhelmed by its amazing flower show in late April and early May with clouds of pink turning white flowers followed by a banner set of fruit soon after. One of the the earliest maturing fruit trees, you’ll have a great crop of freestone, orange fleshed, medium sized Apricots by early August suitable for eating fresh, drying or canning.

(Semi-Dwarf) ‘Tilton’ has a storied history as one of the best home garden Apricots for good reason…it is easy to grow, very productive and produces unforgettable fruit that will have you waiting for the first one off the tree each early to mid-August! While ‘Tilton’ is spectacular fresh off the tree, canned or used in baking, it is the best Apricot for drying, retaining its great color and sweet taste. Fresh off the tree the fruit is medium sized with bright golden yellow flesh and a dark red blush on the skin and, because it is freestone, it’s easy to enjoy its delicious, aromatic and sweet flavor. ‘Tilton’ is very productive and is self-fruitful as well an excellent pollinator for other Apricots that flower and fruit at a similar time. Plant it full sun and higher ground to avoid those spring frosts that can damage its great late April flower show and fruit set.

Vigorous to a fault, this new selection of Sweet Cherry is perfect for the home orchard because it is self-fruitful requiring only itself to produce copious amounts of fruit. Added to its self-fruitful nature is its great taste and firm skin that resists cracking, the bane of growing any Cherries! Sweetheart™ lives up to its name and is most memorable because it is the latest of producers in your home orchard with fruit that matures right around the first of August. Its bright red skin and flesh, unlike many Cherries, will turn its final color before its ripe so resist the urge to pick fruit when the color seems just right to you…give it a couple extra weeks on the tree for best taste. And, its taste is fabulous making it one of your favorites for eating fresh or using in preserves. Make sure you cover your tree as its fruit matures to ward off marauding birds trying to steal your sweet fruit!

(Semi-Dwarf) At first glance you might think the fruit of this Stellar Peach series plant is a little lacking in the size department as it tops out in about the 2.5″ diameter range. First impressions are not always correct as this outstanding Peach proves offering you a firm fleshed Peach that has a significantly smaller freestone pit meaning significantly more sweet, juicy eating even on this ‘smaller’ Peach! You’ll certainly be attracted by its color when it matures in late to early August with its bright, orange-red skin and its bright yellow, juicy flesh when you cut it open. It is a tasty delight in your backyard edible garden that can be shared with friends as it produces heavily and dependably. Starfire® is luscious fresh, cooked and preserved and is easy to grow with its vigorous nature, hardiness, resistance to bacterial spot and sel-fruitful nature.

Semi-dwarf. This vigorous, hardy plum is so productive that it will make your mouth water! ‘Shiro’ is a Japanese selection that ripens in mid-July bearing loads of medium sized, juicy, dark yellow plums that are perfect eating right off the tree. A great addition to the home orchard!

(Semi-Dwarf) Here is a Plum that looks as good as it tastes! Youll marvel at this Japanese Plums outstanding color with striking red skin that looks beautiful on the tree at maturity in mid-August. The real revealtion comes when you cut open one of these beauties…its firm, red flesh is incredibly juicy and very sweet tasting as it melts in your mouth! It would be hard to find anything better tasting right off the tree fresh butSatsuma is versatile enough to be just as tasty when cooked or preserved. The real bonus of this medium sized fruit is the fact its pit is far smaller than many Plum varieties giving you even more sweet flesh to greedily consume. Satsuma is vigorous and easy to grow and needs another Japanese Plum selection to pollinate it in order to set fruit.

Experience a breakthrough with this Sweet Cherry that has great taste to spare on fruit that is much firmer and split resistant than most other selections in this group. Regina™ is a late-blooming, late harvesting selection that can be pollinated by another late bloomer like Bing but will have fully ripened fruit 10 to 14 days later than Bing. You will find the wait well worth your time as a mammoth crop of large, dark red skinned and fleshed fruit will have you giving away its sweet bounty by the bagful. Regina is the result of German breeding work so its constitution is more than robust enough for our climate while its taste will make it a house favorite for fresh eating, canning or freezing or even using in pies. Be sure to cover your tree as the fruit ripens. While this is a somewhat arduous task, if you do not cover them you will have the happiest birds in the world as they feast upon your super sweet Regina™ Cherries!

(Semi-Dwarf) This Peach is not just another pretty face although you will be impressed by is burning red skin that jumps off the tree against the background of deep green foliage. It’s likely you’ll be far more impressed by the taste of these 2.5 – 3″ diameter, firm, yellow fleshed, mostly freestone Peaches…they have a tart tang to go along with their sweetness that makes them stand out above the crowded Peach field. Even better, Redstar® is a strong producer giving you all you can handle and more in the harvest department when they mature in midseason around late July. You can eat them fresh, use them in pies or preserves or just keep them in a cooler for a refreshing snack as fall approaches. Redstar® is self-pollinating, quite hardy and resistant to bacterial spot and canker making it a great choice for your home edible garden.

Get ready for a Cherry with a real difference in look and taste! ‘Rainier’ is a cross between ‘Bing’ and ‘Van’, two sweet-red varieties, creating a very vigorous, productive tree for the backyard orchard. Its branches are one of the first to be loaded with beautiful white blossoms in spring and it bears heavily with fruit ready to be picked in mid August. ‘Rainier’ is a premium quality Cherry that resists cracking while ripening, producing a medium to large sized fruit with red skin blushed yellow. Its fruit is fine textured and very firm with yellow/white flesh and a distinctive flavor that is unique among Cherries. Enjoy the fruit fresh from the tree, canned or even dried for a tasty sweet snack! Grow ‘Rainier’ in full sun and well-drained soil although it has the ability to tolerate heavier, wetter soils. ‘Rainier’ needs another Cherry selection that flowers the same time nearby to form the delightful fruit that has made this tree so famous.