The best Fig available for the northeast, ‘Vern’s Brown’ is the standard for the home garden for good reason! Its year to year reliability is outstanding producing a large crop of sizable, deep brown figs with sweet, seductive amber colored flesh that will have you popping them into your mouth right off the tree. This tasty treat keeps well with refrigeration and is perfect for a container on a deck or anyplace in the ground that you can provide winter protection.

While not hardy to northern areas, this great tasting Fig will have you taking out all the stops to see it through the winter just so you can enjoy its bounteous yearly crop of medium-sized, yellow-fleshed, very sweet tasting fruit. ‘Peter’s Honey’ will mature as a small, spreading tree with deep green, deeply indented foliage. Its fruit, like that of all Figs, is really a hollow receptacle with hundreds of fleshy flower facing each other forming a fruit-like structure that is borne twice in a single season. The first crop of fruit is early in the year from old wood while a wholly different fall crop arises from the new wood produced on the tree that year. No matter how the fruit arises or when it comes, it is a taste sensation that is not to be missed especially since this selection may have one of the sweetest fruits in the Fig world! ‘Peter’s Honey’ needs special care to make it through our winters. The best way to grow it would be in a container in a bright, sunny area that can be moved to a protected, warmer winter spot, free from our naormal winter conditions

Large, deep green, deeply lobed leaves cover this fast growing selection. Summer sees the production of masses of small to medium sized Figs with light brown to purple skin. Vigorous and easy to grow. Heavy producer of sweet tasting Figs. Extremely hardy for the northern garden although plant may die to the ground in winter and come back from roots next year.

This ethnic favorite is a staple in many of the yards of Mediterranean immigrants but is found far more rarely growing in other yards. One taste of this sweet fruit will change that! You won’t want to miss out on this easy, self-pollinating, everbearing Fig as it produces loads of reddish-brown fruit that are even larger than the old stand by, Brown Turkey Fig, containing juicy, sweet pink flesh that is wonderfully delicious either fresh or dried. This small, rounded tree will be an attractive addition to the landscape along with being oh so dependable in the fruit production department. Colossal 9″ lobed leaves add a distinctly tropical flavor to the landscape on this tree that should be grown in full sun and heavily protected, just like your Mediterranean neighbors do, to make sure it makes it through the winter to fruit like crazy next year..

Tasty and decorative, this aggressively tall growing herb will look great with is bronze foliage and and wispy texture while providing great flavor to a number of foods. All fennel varieties are key components in creating the flavor of Italian sausage and have a myriad of other cooking uses but in the past they it was widely used medicinally and to ward off evil spirits! While it may not keep evil from your home today, it will provide you with great use in the ornamental garden as its color and texture combines very well interplanted with roses or even planted and combined in mixed containers. Bronze Fennel can seed aggressively so you may want to cut off its chartreuse colore flat heads of bloom when they appear in the summer. Perennial

Mexican Culantro has a earthy cilantro fragrance and flavor, it can be used in anyway that cilantro is traditionally used such as soups, stews, and salads. It makes an excellent topping for pork or tacos. The flavor is strong and when used in recipes that call for cilantro you will only need half the amount. Harvest the long leaves frequently and store them unwashed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. To prepare Culantro just wash and chop the large leaves finely and add to your favorite Puerto Rican recipe or salsa. If your plant starts to bolt as the summer temperatures rise just cut off the flower stalk to try to delay flowering, if it does flower the leaves can become tough and not as tasty.

No one has a bad thing to say about this ultra productive heirloom selection from Italy. Home gardeners love it because it is so dependable, easy and productive yielding teardrop shaped rosy lavender and cream colored fruit in basket loads 75 days after transplanting. Chefs love it because it is so smooth and so versatile with a delicious creamy taste that makes it perfect for slicing, stuffing or baking. ‘Rosa Bianca’ is easy to grow and virtually trouble free and a great ‘old school’ introduction to the Eggplant world for your garden!

Get ready for some serious production because this selection is an Eggplant producing machine with a long season of an endless supply of 3 oz dark purple fruit. Plant is spineless and prolific and fruit can be harvested at very small size and used as a ‘baby veggie’

This 2014 All American selection features a dense, compact plant that produces early and often with baby sized fruit that are prized for their mild taste and tender texture. Easy to grow and easy to harvest with thorn free calyx! The best Eggplant available for harvesting small (2-3″)…the perfect size for tenderness and mild taste that shines roasted or raw in dips and salads. The English gave the fruit the name of “Eggplant” referring to one variety’s shape which was similar to that of an egg. To much of Europe the Eggplant is referred to as an “Aubergine” while in Italy it is called Melanzana.

Even if you weren’t a big Eggplant fan, you’d fall in love with this plant just for its form and colorful flowering nature. This tight, sturdy selection is perfect for the garden but even better for a container on a deck or patio because then you could watch in awe as it sends out a continual stream of showy, purple-lavender blooms. The flowers aren’t the only striking color you’ll see…just wait a mere 50 days from transplant and you’ll see copius amounts of 4′ long, narrow eggplants in surreal neon lavender shades streaked with bright white!! WOW is the word and tasty is what you’ll discover when you prepare them in a wide array of dishes. No wonder this is a 2005 All American Selection!