Large, heart-shaped, dark red fruit are produced on this self-pollinating sweet cherry. Sweet, rich flavor on a vigorous, productive tree make this an excellent choice. Moderate crack resistance. Can pollinate other sweet cherries.

Most widely grown sweet cherry. Large, dark red fruit is produced on this vigorous growing tree. Firm and meaty flesh is purple and freestone. Pollinate with ‘Black Tatarian’, or ‘Stella’. Does not pollinate with ‘Lambert’.

Fruitful and dependable, ‘Stanley’ is as decorative as it is productive, with a dense, rounded form and an extremely profuse, fragrant show of single white flowers in early May. The whole tree may be completely obscured by this bloom that lasts up to 2 weeks with countless small fruit following soon after the bloom passes. This fruit grows and finally matures in September, producing a tasty prune-type plum that has purple skin, yellow flesh and a high sugar content that is great fresh or dried. ‘Stanley’ is self-fruitful so it is self-sufficient in producing its huge crop of tasty plums.

(Semi-Dwarf) Belle of Georgia Peach is a significant tree in Georgia history, named after Mrs. Belle Hall of Ft. Valley, Georgia, following the Civil War. It was developed from a Peach seedling of Chinese origin and has developed into a legendary home orchard tree with distinctive white pulp, a strong, pleasant fragrance and a flavor of intense sweetness and spiciness. Few other white Peach cultivars compare with the superior characteristics of ‘Belle of Georgia’ which include its ability to bear early as a very young tree and its freestone character that allows it to be an easy, sweet snack right off the tree! Above all, ‘Belle of Georgia’ is a reliable, heavy producer of Peaches that are as good cooked or canned as they are for fresh eating. ‘Belle of Georgia’ is disease resistant and self-fertile, setting a great crop of fruit on its own for its early to mid August harvest.

Introduced to America in 1968, ‘Canadian Harmony’ Peach is an early to midseason ripener that matures about 16 days after ‘Red Haven’. This selection is a strong producer of large freestone fruit with excellent shelf life and a taste that is sweet but with a bit of acidity to balance it out. This hint of acidity makes it great Peach for canning, preserving or for pies. While it might not be the prettiest Peach, what ‘Canadian Harmony’ lacks in the way of magazine cover appeal, it certainly makes up for in flavor. Once you take a bite of out of this juicy, delicious fruit straight off the tree, taste, not beauty, will be foremost in your mind! Even better than its outstanding taste, ‘Canadian Harmony’ is one of the hardiest Peaches available making it perfect for growing in those northern areas where Peaches are sought after but rarely grow well. ‘Canadian Harmony ‘ is self fruitful making it perfect for edible gardeners with limited space resources.

Apricots have always been touchy as you head toward our northern climate but this self-fruitful selection is perfect for our area with superior Zone 5 hardiness and a heavy producing nature that will have you cheering. You’ll be overwhelmed by its amazing flower show in late April and early May with clouds of pink turning white flowers followed by a banner set of fruit soon after. One of the the earliest maturing fruit trees, you’ll have a great crop of freestone, orange fleshed, medium sized Apricots by early August suitable for eating fresh, drying or canning.

(Semi-Dwarf) ‘Tilton’ has a storied history as one of the best home garden Apricots for good reason…it is easy to grow, very productive and produces unforgettable fruit that will have you waiting for the first one off the tree each early to mid-August! While ‘Tilton’ is spectacular fresh off the tree, canned or used in baking, it is the best Apricot for drying, retaining its great color and sweet taste. Fresh off the tree the fruit is medium sized with bright golden yellow flesh and a dark red blush on the skin and, because it is freestone, it’s easy to enjoy its delicious, aromatic and sweet flavor. ‘Tilton’ is very productive and is self-fruitful as well an excellent pollinator for other Apricots that flower and fruit at a similar time. Plant it full sun and higher ground to avoid those spring frosts that can damage its great late April flower show and fruit set.

Vigorous to a fault, this new selection of Sweet Cherry is perfect for the home orchard because it is self-fruitful requiring only itself to produce copious amounts of fruit. Added to its self-fruitful nature is its great taste and firm skin that resists cracking, the bane of growing any Cherries! Sweetheart™ lives up to its name and is most memorable because it is the latest of producers in your home orchard with fruit that matures right around the first of August. Its bright red skin and flesh, unlike many Cherries, will turn its final color before its ripe so resist the urge to pick fruit when the color seems just right to you…give it a couple extra weeks on the tree for best taste. And, its taste is fabulous making it one of your favorites for eating fresh or using in preserves. Make sure you cover your tree as its fruit matures to ward off marauding birds trying to steal your sweet fruit!

Sunglo is an excellent mid-season nectarine, ripening about 10 days after Redhaven. The fruit is large and juicy, and almost entirely freestone. The tree is productive and moderately vigorous. Nectarines are self-fertile and can be planted by themselves.’Sunglo’ is super sweet, juicy, and exellent in any recipe calling for peaches, but without the peeling. Keeps well.

(Semi-Dwarf) At first glance you might think the fruit of this Stellar Peach series plant is a little lacking in the size department as it tops out in about the 2.5″ diameter range. First impressions are not always correct as this outstanding Peach proves offering you a firm fleshed Peach that has a significantly smaller freestone pit meaning significantly more sweet, juicy eating even on this ‘smaller’ Peach! You’ll certainly be attracted by its color when it matures in late to early August with its bright, orange-red skin and its bright yellow, juicy flesh when you cut it open. It is a tasty delight in your backyard edible garden that can be shared with friends as it produces heavily and dependably. Starfire® is luscious fresh, cooked and preserved and is easy to grow with its vigorous nature, hardiness, resistance to bacterial spot and sel-fruitful nature.