Get ready for a blast of intense flavor every time you eat one of the many Raspberries you’ll pick from ‘Jaclyn’. This vigorous improved variety will knock you out with its great size and firmness, its distinct dark red color, its fall bearing nature that gives you fruit both in the summer and into the early fall and, of course, that taste which is outstanding especially if you fight your anxiousness to eat and leave it on the plant until it is completely ripe!! Plant ‘Jaclyn’ in any sunny location and give it plenty of space to satisfy its large, vigorous nature andyour ability to pick!

Red raspberry with flavorful fruit, producing one crop in mid July and another in early September. Flesh stays firm even when over-ripe.

Specially developed by Cornell University for its unique harvest season,Encore is a delicious filler for that gap between summer and fall raspberry harvests in late July to early August. You will swoon for this varietys abundance of large, firm, red berries that will enthrall your tastebuds.Encores near-spinelessness adds to the picking pleasure of this hardy raspberry variety.

A thornless blackberry that yields a productive crop of large, very sweet, high quality fruit. The hardiest thornless blackberry, it does fine in all of Zone 5, and has good resistance to cane blight. Ripens in July.

Vigorous and productive, this selection of red raspberry sets the standard in its grouping for the best in fruit size and productivity. You will never come back in the house empty handed during the late July through August harvest period of this plant unless you eat everything you pick before you come in! That’s a distinct possibilily considering how highly sugared the berries are … even with the massive quantities this plant produces, you may want to wolf them down before waiting to bring them in to share! ‘Caroline’ is a fast grower and will ramble so give it some room in any sunny or partially shaded locationwith good drainage.

If you like fall bearing Raspberries, ‘Anne’ is your choice for the best fall bearing yellow Raspberry. Think of ‘Anne’ almost a yellow version of the old red favorite fall bearer, ‘Heritage’. ‘Anne’ offers the same big, sweet berries in big numbers in the spring and fall just like ‘Heritage’ only in a pleasing yellow, firm berry that your taste buds will thank you for. Like all Raspberries, ‘Anne’ is easy to grow in any sunny location… just give it space so you can pick easily and so this wide grower does not overfill a small space.

Amazingly vigorous and incredibly productive, this fall bearing Raspberry sets the standard when it comes to quantity and quality of fruit producing long, conical, sizable bright red fruit starting in late June into July and another crop in late August and early September. While the fruit of ‘Autumn Britten’ is great in any dessert, it might never make it to the dessert table because they are so sweet and tasty you might just eat them all as you pick! Easy to grow, this plant will tolerate nearly any sunny, well drained location.

Get ready to add some old world charm to your garden with ‘Tuscan Blue’ a Rosemary that is native to the Mediterranean region and the south of France where is grows on the chalky hills along the coast. It thrives in dry, full sun gardens such as these producing great growth and superb, long stemmed, upright form that is clothed in dark green, fragrant, needle-like foliage. Even better, ‘Tuscan Blue’ is flowering powerhouse with small, bright blue flowers lining the many stems of this stout plant from May through mid summer. This selection takes a back seat to no other Rosemary when it comes to taste, providing that signature fragrance and strong flavor to all your favorite recipes and dried herbal projects. ‘Tuscan Blue’ is considered an annual in the northeast and should be protected or grown in a sunny window with good airflow in the house in the winter months.

Distinctive and incredibly fragrant, this selection of Rosemary will astound you with its aggressively upright form, its long straight stems and its complex, pervasive scent that has hints of cloves and nutmeg to go along with its strong ‘rosemary’ scent. ‘Spice Island’ is one of the best ornamental selections and is particularly suited to topiary use because of its growth pattern. It is also one of the best culinary Rosemarys because of its strong scent and aggressive growth. Use with beef, lamb, pork along with a raft of vegetable dishes to take advantage of its unique scent. Easy to dry, ‘Spice Island’ also makes a superlative house plant so you can use its scented leaves fresh year round!

Every rosemary selection can seduce you with its great scent and flavor. ‘Salem’ is no exeption, providing incredibly aromatic, tasty foliage that will have your mouth watering. Where ‘Salem’ differs is its outstanding form. While rosemarys like ‘Arp’ tend to sprawl a bit and look loose at times, ‘Salem’ displays a strongly upright form and a neatness that can only be describe as more formal than other selections. It’s a very effective form for using in a formal herb garden or a container and, when left to get a little woody, its stems make a perfect, aromatic skewer for use on the grill. Even its slighly longer, deep green foliage contrast pleasingly with other rosemarys… it’s a selection that will grow on you!! Tender Perennial