Reputed to be the hardiest of all Blackberries, Prime Jan™ will be a welcomed addition to your home edible garden. In addition to its ability to shrug off the cold, Prime Jan™ has the ability to literally ‘out fruit’ other Balckberry varieties offering 6 weeks of constant fruiting from early August through the middle of September. Despite its strength and hardiness, this selection does not skimp on taste offering you a small to medium sized berry that is as sweet as it is plentiful. Prime Jan™ is perfect for fresh eating but will serve you well in jams or jellies and is easy to grow offering you very few problems in the way of insects or diseases. Plant Prime Jan™ in a sunny, well-drained spot in your garden and you’ll find that you will be circling the date on the calendar when these sweet garden treats will be ready to pick!

This tasty variety of black raspberry produces an abundant crop of glossy, non-seedy berries in the early summer, preceded by cute white flowers that cover the bush in May. Eaten right off the bush or preserved in jams and jellies, youll see whyBristol is famous for its scrumptious and high quality berries.

Born and bred at the New York Experiment Station in Geneva, NY, ‘Prelude’ is a beacon of hardiness, fruit quality and early fruiting in a crowded field of Raspberries. In fact, ‘Prelude’ may be the earliest of all Red Raspberries to mature with mouth watering bright red berries that are ready to pick by mid June!! You will certainly be the frist to pick berries in your neighborhood and you might be able to get some private picking done since your kids might still be in school as these berries begin to ripen. ‘Prelude’ is an easy care plant that wants only full sun and some room to spread for it to be happy. While most of the fruit you’ll pick from ‘Prelude’ will be in June and July, it will give you a small treat in September, too with another sweet shot of fresh, tangy berries right before frost!

What a name! No matter what the name, Himbo Top™ seems destined to become your edible garden favorite for loads of reasons. First, it’s an improved everbearing variety meaning that it bears up to 2 weeks earlier than old school everbearers like ‘Heritage’ making far better for higher yields in cooler northern areas where early frost can wreak havoc with a fall berry harvest. Second, the berries look like they on steroids with huge size and bright red color along with strong skin which make them far more resistant to bruising when picking. Third, the flavor is outstanding making it great for using fresh or in jams, jellies or preserves. Fourth, it is a heavy yielding plant producing a big harvest that will give you your fill of berries and more! Finally, since Himbo Top™ fruits heavily on new wood, you can prune the plant vigorously each year and avoid some of the plant diseases that can overwinter on lesser selections. Overall, despite the crazy name, Himbo Top™ has the goods to be your favorite Red Raspberry!

This tried and true selection was developed by Washington State University back in 1967 and features brilliant red fruit that is highly sweet and perfect for home gardeners. Aggressive growing, expect a great July harvest after a strong May flower bloom.

Revolutionary!  There is no other word for this Raspberry that is a quantum leap ahead of the competition.  Dwarf and rounded, this thornless beauty tops off at only 3′ in height while producing a boatload of sweet tasting mid season red Raspberries in June and July. While it does spread like other Raspberries in the ground, it is perfectly suited for growing in a container on a deck so that you can pick delicious fruit at your leisure. Gone are the Raspberries that take over the landscape! Start a berry revolution in your garden today!

The worst thing about raising everbearing raspberries would have to be an early frost, especially in colder, northern areas While ‘Heritage’ is the standard bearer for everbearing raspberries, ‘Polana’ is better as you go further north with late season fruit ripining up uo 3 weeks earliar than ‘Heritage’, offering you a long season of luscious, large, glossy red berries without the worry of losing them to frost just as they are hitting their prime. Tasty’ easy to grow and raspberries in July and again in late August… it’s a home fruit grower’s dream!!

A versatile and very winter hardy variety,Killarney produces scrumptious red berries in weighty clusters. Enjoy these especially tasty berries right off the bush, freeze for a taste of summer during the winter months, or use as the flavor highlight in preserves and pastries.

Excellent quality black raspberry. Fruit is large, glossy black with superb flavor. ‘Jewel’ is more disease-resistant than other black raspberry varieties.