How to care for your Yoder Hibiscus
Posted on April 28, 2017
When springtime rolls around there’s nothing like the excitement we all feel here at Van Wilgens when our first tropical truck arrives from Florida. The tropical that gives us the most excitement by far is the Yoder Hibiscus rosa-sinensis {tradewind breeze series}.

The Yoder has quickly become the hibiscus of choice, not only by us but also by many of you. You can tell a Yoder apart from other Hibiscus by the color of their leaves, and flowers. With large dark green glossy leaves and spectacular flowers that come in an array of vibrant colors, you can see why these hibiscuses have quickly become our pick for the perfect full sun tropical plant. Not only are they heat tolerant, but they also are everblooming and will give you tons of blooms well into the fall season. The hard part will be picking a color…my favorite is yellow with an orange center. We have 6-inch potted hibiscus,10 inch bush and new this year are the 10-inch braided trees
Just remember to water roughly every day during the summer months especially, and don’t forget to feed them. Use our Van Wilgen’s slow-release pellets. A little bit around the base of the plant will feed it for approx. 3 months releasing a little food every time you water. They like acidic soil so don’t forget to add our acid water-soluble formula once a month. Remember, food is just as important to our plants as it is to you or me. We all perform better with food in our systems!
Kirsten from our Custom Container department has planted up some gorgeous pots using our Yoder hibiscus this year that is quite impressive. Some of you have decided to do containers just like or very similar to those. We know that those of you that have planted our favorite Yoder hibiscus will be back every year to fill your pots with some more of their gorgeous colors.
You will be HOOKED on them I promise!